I *love* DVD technology. I LOVE IT.

Sep 09, 2009 00:04

I have no words. AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

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Comments 13

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agentxpndble September 9 2009, 05:10:53 UTC
To their credit, *I* didn't see it when I watched the episode (and it's a favorite scene.) I only noticed making caps. But, holy cow... I bet there were some hysterical fangirls when it originally aired (wondering if they saw what they thought they saw!)


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agentxpndble September 9 2009, 05:30:53 UTC
This show relied *heavily* on the fact that there weren't even VCRs - they were constantly reusing scenes, costumes, and sets, counting on the fact that no one would be able to remember enough to notice.


euclase September 9 2009, 05:21:21 UTC

I'm impressed they kept shooting, or that someone didn't miss a fake punch. It must have been but a few frames! XD


agentxpndble September 9 2009, 05:27:01 UTC
:-) I can't believe that Conrad just KEPT ON... He's really flapping around in the wind - You'd think he's stop and say, "Really, guys - lets reshoot this." That's 15 seconds from tear to finish - Most of it close up enough to tell. Wow.


minki_moira September 9 2009, 11:48:17 UTC
Such delightful eyecandy LOL

More please!


agentxpndble September 9 2009, 14:24:30 UTC
:))) I hope I'm not boring people, but stuff like this is just too good not to be shared!

LOL! Great icon!


minki_moira September 9 2009, 18:06:04 UTC
If we were bored, we wouldn't be commenting. Besides, it's all in good fun, and I friended you because you're fun. lol


eldritchhobbit September 9 2009, 14:49:22 UTC
Now that's dedication! LOL!


agentxpndble September 9 2009, 17:34:18 UTC
I think, technically, it's *exhibition*. ;-)

Seriously, I would love to see the minute or two after they called "cut" - They must have had a great laugh once they came out of character! (I can hear Conrad's laugh in my head - Isn't it the sexiest thing ever?)


towerbridge2006 September 10 2009, 04:16:45 UTC
FOTFLMAO!! I love what you DO with DVD technology. Are you going frame by frame with the eps? 8D


agentxpndble September 10 2009, 17:27:33 UTC
:))) I'm afraid I *am* going frame by frame with the eps - Would you expect less from me? {{{omgimsoinsane}}} I hope whoever invented these things is bathing is a gold bathtub filled with champagne... They deserve every cent they earned.


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