Fandom catchup

Jul 22, 2009 21:29

Watched Sirens last night - Good movie, but it's that one song in the first few minutes that I just can't stop listening to... CLICKY (Grey Funnel Line-silly Sisters.) OMG, so awesomely gorgeous!

So, movies... In the midst of the past two weeks of pretty much hell, I caught up on a few... Extremely patchy/random comments on the following:

Star Trek (New Movie - What are we calling this?)

Wow - How freaking awesome was that??? At least, the 80% of it that I saw... Hypercut and bouncy-cam completely obscured all the special effect and fight scenes and I couldn't see them. But there was a surprising amount of movie left after that with the CHARACTERS and not action and all of that was insanely good. And the costuming and sets were fascinating - Completely different and yet, totally compatible (in my mind) with the original... I think my brain compensated everything in the same way it does when switching between a comic version of a favorite show, and the show itself. The only thing about the ship that was a bit jarring was that the engine room area was really different and that's an area I have a sentimental love for (you know, that white room with windows overlooking the engines...?)

Anyway, I was a little startled how much I liked the premise - Apparently, what drives me bat-shit insane in fanfic (AU's and reboots) reads as brilliance in canon. ??? I thought it was genius. I really, really enjoyed it! And it's a great launch for a new set of movies - I'm sold. My God, if we get as much character CRACK as they gave us in this movie, I will gladly sell everything I own to see everything else they toss at us a hundred times! Although, I'm not all *that* keen on a "more human" Spock... But all the rest of it, YEAH BABY!

It was also a bit strange to see an old school Star Trek movie that has been redone through a new filter... They did an *incredible* job of matching the new and old characters/actors but seeing them with fresh eyes made me see a couple of things a little differently... Like, what the freaking heck is wrong with me...? WHY WAS I NEVER INTO MCCOY??? I mean, he's *completely* my type - And yet, I really never noticed him. Very odd.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Hmm... Well, I thought visually it was SPECTACULAR - Everything visual - Costumes, gadgets, sets, etc. - Were beyond the pale. There were some costumes I would have like to have seen better but sadly, director ruined an almost perfect movie and used bouncy-cam on select scenes... Not so much that it ruined things for me, but still - I missed a few visuals here and there.

All the boys are looking... :::cough::: Am I allowed to lust after them yet (by law?) Neville is just drop-dead and looking *freakishly* like his cousin - That was rather disturbing, actually. And come to think of it, for being CHILDREN, they were all pretty darn good kissers (of which we saw PLENTY.) Again, am I a *total* perv for not minding all that???

Story? Frankly, I didn't think they did a good job in that respect. It's not just about the shocking amount of book and characterization they left out... There were times when what they *did* include simply didn't work as a cohesive story - I've read the book multiple times and there were times I was lost because they snipped out all the background and then gave us a scene where we were supposed to infer things from info they never even gave us and my memory isn't so good sometimes and I couldn't make sense of it, even with my book learnin'. I also thought it all was a bit *flat* - I never really felt any drama, it read like Cliff Notes. And it was utterly fascinating to watch a movie about Snape, WITHOUT SNAPE IN IT. Somehow they carried it off (somewhat) but damn, what a bizarre thing - They should have given the movie a new title.

As far as *new* scenes go, I did really love the attack on the Burrow (I *think* that was original, wasn't it? I'm re-reading to see.) It sucks that they skipped right over the Lupin/Tonks build-up, but how awesome was that scene when they were leaving and Lupin senses something was wrong??? Awesomecakes. (Although too much bouncy cam during the action part of the sequence.)

On the whole, great movie - but certainly not my favorite. I'm sure I'll enjoy it a lot more second time through - I think the things I complained about won't be so disrupting upon rewatching and I'll sure I'll enjoy it more for what it *is*, not get distracted by what it *isn't*.

Preview for Sherlock Holmes before Harry Potter

OMFG. OM-flippin-freakin-G. Robert Downey, Jr. as addict!sarcasticwit Sherlock Holmes? So, so willing to ditch canon to LOVE THIS MOVIE. When is it coming out???

Iron Man

Just by chance, my number came up for Iron Man at the library and I watched that last night. OMG - I need a better word than AWESOMECAKES. Super-Duper Awesomecakes. Holy crap, that was a good movie! And my lust for RDJ is completely out of control. In the past couple of years (while I wasn't watching) he jumped that line from amazing, attractive, incredibly interesting actor to complete and total STUD MUFFIN. I am now officially obsessed with him and can't *wait* for this Sherlock Holmes thing... Augh! Gonna have to dig out US Marshalls and watch if for the *hundreth* time tonight... :)))

marvel_universe, star_trek, harry_potter, rdjr

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