ProsWatch: Need to Know

Oct 12, 2008 16:00

I've always loved this one for a lot of reasons, big and small. One of my small fascinations revolves around the artwork in Bodie's apartment and you can catch up on all the discussion I've had about it in my archive: Original topic HERE, and the resolution HERE.

I think I can safely claim this one of my favorite episodes...

There just isn't enough I can say to relay how much I love the first scene where they pick Cowley up - It just rocks my boat how well everyone played their parts and how uncontrived it all felt - there was SO MUCH going on there, in spite of it only being a few seconds and lines long. I also just LOVE that alley they shot it in and am THRILLED I got to see it in person (pics,,

And then there's the Lads in uniform. :::snerk::: All the banter and "together" scenes in this ep are just top-notch... They are both really on the ball and polished together. I'm always vaguely uneasy at what they *do* while they are in uniform, but... Well, it's easy to get distracted by the shiny. And they are CI5 - They aren't supposed to be the most moral partitioners in the pew... They are just supposed to get the job done.

I really do love Cowley - He never lets anything get him down or gets wrapped up in his own head... He knows what he thinks is right and gets moving - There's something really awesome about that (speaking as a person who gets paralyzed by all the thoughts in her head and has to have a grasp on the WHOLE PICTURE before she can move on.) I've always thought he was Hufflepuff... But now I'm doubting myself... Gryfindor?

There's no subtext in it, but I love hearing it out loud...

Bodie: Home, Sir?
Cowley: Yes - Your home, Bodie.

The entire thing about MacKai (sp?) coming in to the apartment and the tulip is utterly hilarious - Every. Single. Time.

I've always been really in love with the "poor bastards" discussion in the car before they set off on their little scheme... And the next clip where Doyle is having some bitter thoughts about what they are about to do... It's short and hardly worth mentioning but I just love how substantial/meaty these two short clips are.

I have to say... I've never really felt I've understood what the whole "stroking of Bodie's face" thing was all about... I know all the fan-feelings, and I have my own favorite ideas, but the bottom line is I've always felt a little WTF? about it all when I watch it... I know there's this strong feeling amongst the fans that Cowley had a deep father/mentor relationship with him but I've never really picked up any *canon* indication of that - The first dozen times I watched this, it felt a little *creepy*, actually. Confusing, at best. I'm not sure I ever moved through that. I don't need to make a mountain out of a mole-hill (I rather like this scene and find it hugely fascinating, in spite of my unease) but I still, to this day, feel like this is a bit of a loose end.

That little moment of confusion aside, OMG... How heartbreakingly adorable are the lads all hurt and woozy, crawling back to consciousness... :::wibble::: {{{rewind}}} :::wibble::: {{{rewind}}} :::wibble::: Ooo... Oooo.... We get some BODIE BELLY!

WTF!Doyle always makes me happy. :)))

Bodie's grousy, "What the hell are you up too?" makes me ROTFLMAO.

It rocks my boat that Cowley brought them all the way back to his place for a drink. I'm an apartment junkie and getting time in Cowley's is like the Holy Grail - I think this may be the only time we *do* get to see his apartment, isn't it?

the_professionals, proswatch

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