misery loves company

Sep 21, 2008 14:33

First, thank you all for your kind comments/support the other day - I'm kind of talked out and don't have it in me to respond to everyone (which would be the polite thing) so I hope you'll all understand that you are all just wonderful friends and I'm so grateful I have you. I've been up and down with the various emotions and stresses but mostly just trying to enjoy what might very well be my last couple of "normal" days with Zelda. Tomorrow is the ultrasound and for a dozen reasons, this is going to be a horrible day. And depending on what they find, or don't find, it's only the beginning. But that will just have to wait until tomorrow before I start talking about all the possibilities... (There are many, few of them good.)

I've made a small attempt to catch up on my f-list this morning but my heart just isn't in it - Trying to get excited about fandom just makes me feel ill and I'm too emotionally drained to be of help to others (who are having their own troubles) but I'm going to slowly peck away at it today because only a few posts in, I see I've missed many things....

1) Birthdays: Happy Birthday to sueworld2003 and taraljc! And I should probably just get ahead by a few days and include matociquala and fajrdrako while I'm at it... I'm sure I'll forget if I don't.

2) I've won the Golden Capri! Squee! Thank you all for your kind votes. :-)

3) The Cubs have been awesome while I wasn't looking and have made the NL Central again! The timing couldn't be worse - How am I going to be able to watch any games in the next two/three weeks, with Zelda and the trip and all...?

LJ aside, I've just been really busy trying to take care of daily business/bills/chores, endless phone calls (family, the vet, etc.), and sleeping as best I can. I'm doing a lot of crying. And while I can't seem to stomach fandom, I have started to crave comfort-tv, which is really quite telling... When I start to gravitate toward Greatest American Hero and Good Neighbors, you know I'm in a really, really vulnerable place. I've made my way through most of both the past week and a half. Now I'm back on Jerry, again... And Bill Maxwell. I suspect Pertwee/Three and Hulk aren't far behind...

zelda, the_professionals, chicago, friends

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