It got on top of me today

Sep 02, 2005 17:44

I think I can sleep tonight. I didn't hijack one of the semi's from the Dairy across the street, fill it with food, drive it down to New Orleans, and GIVE THE PEOPLE SOME FOOD like I wanted to (Rambo-style)... But I did call my Aunt J in Chicago - She will be housing anyone her church contacts can match her up with (her house is old and tiny, but she has room for as many as 4-6 I think) and I will be giving her some money to go toward feeding them and offer up clothes and so forth, as best I can.

One of my organization's members is putting together a housing program locally and although I don't really have anywhere to put someone, if the demand is intense I will offer an airbed on my summer porch for a few days if need be. That probably isn't practical, but I have to offer SOMETHING or I won't be able to live with myself.

I know it's hardly a drop in the bucket, but I do feel a lot less stressed out now that at least ONE load of food/water/supplies have at long last reached the convention center... I hope the supply line is open now and it's not just a one shot.

Now I'm shutting off the TV and computer for a while and going to see the Penguin movie (finally) - Then I'll shut up about this and give you guys a break... I will devote myself to the lads for the next few days - screen caps are in our near futures! ;-)

rants, world_events, social_justice

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