Proswatch Community Viewing: Rogue

May 11, 2008 16:05

Does anyone ever get tired of this episode...? It's chocked full of so much squeefull goodness, I doubt it. :)))

This one presses several favorite buttons:

1) Older, sexy, exciting, mentor character.
2) Older, sexy, exciting character's girl is half his age.
3) Mentor character goes bad and drops protégés into pit of betrayal and angst.

I'm just dirty that way.

Nothing profound to say about this one... Just squee from start to finish:

The bantering and playfulness in the first couple of scenes is just to die for. And I love the contrast of Cowley in a bad mood calling the Lads in the middle of a giggly mood - The ensuing dialog is hilarious.

Hand-on-arse moment. They have no right to complain about the talk - They've done this to themselves.

I think that moment when Martin pulls that photo off the wall and tries to emotionally blackmail/manipulate Cowley is blood-curling/heartbreaking. Even more so than the attempt to kill him moments later... Augh!

If there's one thing I've learned from television it's that you should never commit crimes if you value pizza/Chinese/etc delivery... Because THEY WILL FIND YOU. It would take a flat two seconds to trace me in this town...

It just cracks me up when a super-spy/agent tears off in an itty bitty Mini... BHUAHAHAHA! Now *thats* a sexy car! ;-)

It always breaks my heart when Maggie gets left behind. :-(

Yeah, the Doyle-hesitating-and-Bodie-shouting-at-him-to-shoot thing always reduces me to a wibbly puddle of goo... :::jiggle:::

Most shocking moments in Professionals history...

This *still* makes me blush like a maiden every time I see it. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING ALLOWING THAT ON SCREEN??? On a more annoying note... Every time I see it I inevitably start singing Monster and can't get it out of my head for DAYS.

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the_professionals, proswatch

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