Doctor Who - misc comments

Apr 25, 2008 09:17

I keep forgetting to post about Dr. Who... Which I'm *really* enjoying.

4x02 more so than 4x03 - I loved the Donna/Doctor stuff in 4x02 (although the story was a bit goofy.) I love that Donna had to learn some *balance* - that she's going to have to meet the Doctor half way on things sometimes, even though she is pretty much made of win. ;-) They are both very, very strong personalities and I like that *both* of them are being made to find some sort of common ground with each other (instead of them both going off on their tangents and never really working as a team.)

4x03 I thought was a bit... Much. Throwing a character like Donna into the tank of moral sharks that episode was this early in the game seemed a bit of a waste. And I would have liked the subject of Ood slavery to be treated a little more *darkly* than they seemed to manage. Although, considering how Donna's still working out her place in the grand scheme of the Universe, she seemed to deal with the situation with a level head (I would of hated her to have gone off on a whole SPEW-like rampage.)

But the thing that really, really tickles me is the bee thing...

I'm just tickled pink by the ongoing thread about the bees all disappearing and I can't help but wonder if - in the tradition of past seasons - this is the "clue thread" that leads up to the final episodes. BHUAHAHAHA! Waddya think? Are aliens kidnapping our bees? Or did Doug get it wrong - It's the *bees*, not the *dolphins*. ;-)


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