Ianto - In the library - with a CueCat

Mar 01, 2008 21:33

As I was fitting archival covers on some new acquisitions (I found both volumes of Wells' autobiography and his son's book, Aspects of Life all for $18 at Avols on Friday - Major score!!!) I realized that the HUB seems to be missing a library... I mean, they *have* to have a library. Nothing huge or luxurious or anything, but definitely a functional archive/library... I understand that some diaries and volumes directly related to individuals and/or cases would be down in the vaults but there is gonna be materials over the course of time that would fill a few shelves. Maybe a table for spreading out research, a reading chair or two...

Definitely all those vintage Torchwood Press pamphlets would be there - Probably a lot of binders full of records/statistics - Some diaries and memoirs - Maybe some local history - Books on alien and paranormal phenomena - Lots of maps/charts - A computer manual or two... Etc.

They'd have a library. Wouldn't they?

torchwood, books

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