Community Viewing: Killer With A Long Arm

Jan 20, 2008 16:05

Well, we *all* love this one, don't we? I mean, that whole thing at the end with Doyle breaking procedure and choking up and stuff...? Although, this is in that zone of early episodes where I feel the characters are still a bit unpolished and are a little alien to me. I enjoy rewatching those sometimes because their characters are a bit more polarized and I enjoy some things that reveals. But really, I'm more of a post-first season gal when it comes to Doyle and Bodie (with couple of exceptions, I'll point them out when we get there.)

Aside from that, I've always really liked this one for all the guest character stuff. I've always been partial to guest characters. ;-) But I think Georgi is interesting and it's even *more* interesting how much of him they give us... I *always* do a double take during that scene when the groupie terrorist is hitting on him and he talks about, "'she' was a boy..." WTF? I think it's awesome but I keep questioning if it's *me* or the writers implying a gay (underage) romance... Without bashing it.

Small moments of joy:

I love that a whole portion of the episode is about the baddies needing to get out and practice with the rifle... Because *most* shows would fly the guy in and he'd go straight to the job and hit his mark first time. And I seriously doubt it. I think it's awesome they actually attempted working in some realism to the situation.

This isn't joy - pain actually - I literally *sweat* every time Doyle threatens the Limoges... YOU MONSTER. I would have cracked *INSTANTLY*.

Bodie nibbling on Doyle's ear leaning in close over Doyle's shoulder to read.

Bodie wears a favorite: The cockroach-colored leather jacket with black turtleneck. YUM.

Bodie, just out of the shower, thinking about girls. Bodie sleeping... BODIE BODIE BODIE.

Doyle shaving, all hanging out and posing.

Cowley: "Because there's one thing you and I share Bodie..."
Doyle: "Same secretary."
Cowley: "Eh?" The Lads smirk...
I should be ashamed of myself, I know, but it's one of my favorite exchanges from the whole series... :::snerk::: The comedic timing is gorgeous and I love how it's so much about the *three* of them... And it makes me think of one of my favorite behind the scenes bit of trivia/quotes - Gordon Jackson lived in fear of Lew and Martin because they were forever improvising with the lines/humor. There's a quote of Jackson's in an article I have somewhere about this that's just adorable... This may not have been one of those moments, but it has the feel of it. :)))

I really like Cowley in these earlier episodes. I like his snappy, in charge, briskness. I like his (dark) sense of humor.

I love Doyle breaking the Range Rover's window, Bodie's "Cowley will freak out", and Doyle's smug "Bodieeee" when he "wins". :-)

I just love when Bodie is working out the math of which apartment they are looking for in his head and is mumbling out loud...

I'll save everyone the boredom of listing every last nuance of the last scenes I thought were awesome - I think everyone has beat it to death by now...

Some failings:

I find it hard to believe that they could come up with a conceptual drawing of the rife that detailed... Whatever.

Those are the most unappetizing , awful looking strawberries I've *ever* seen. Wimbledon should be ashamed of themselves.

the_professionals, proswatch

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