Day one

Aug 19, 2007 00:25

Well, this is the suckiest year ever.  I'm having a great time, but it rained constantly from start to finish today which had several consequences:  Wetness (chronic), nowhere to sit (ow, my feet hurt), and ultimately - Canceled stages.  It's a good thing I'm the kind of person who takes blessings where she finds them...  I *did* have an awesome time.  I just didn't see some of my favorite/preferred acts and my day was fairly on-the-moment and frankly, uncomfortable and tiring...  Sometimes you just want to *sit* and be *dry* - fuck the music.

So anyway...

The Tossers:  Rock serious ass.  Very, *very* Pogues - Even the lead singer sounds like Shane.  Part of me feels like I must dislike them for that - The other part of me recognizes a genuine, skilled performance when she sees one.  Until proven otherwise, I choose to believe that they aren't trying to *deliberately* clone the Pogues and enjoy them for their awesomeness.

The weather seriously fucked up my Bagpipe intake - Billy Mitchell cancelled due to rain.  FUCK THAT.  I got a few moments when the parade passed me but no proper shows.  Other cancelations included the Barra McNeils and a couple of others I really want to see.

The real score of the day was just one of those things...  One of those kooky accidents that happen when it's pouring and you start making random decisions based on things like shelter and seating...  I managed to crawl into the Pub tent, soaked to the skin - Having little hope of finding a seat - And lo and behold...  A seat, and the band was just starting their first piece and the ROCKED MY SOCKS OFF.  The Tea Merchants are definitely the secret find of the weekend...  Seriously awesome.

The sessions area was really good too - I found a seat there for an hour or so and several major artists showed up and jammed.  Damn, I love the sessions area.  The only problem is, you fall in love with gorgeous, seriously hot musicians and you never even learn their names...  It makes it terribly difficult to stalk them.  :-(

In other news - I want a $200 Belleek teacup.  I want many very expensive Belleek tea cups...  But the $200 one especially. Promise me you will put me down if I buy a $200 teacup.  Please.

pogues, teacups, irishfest, irish_music

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