Just checking in

Aug 05, 2007 16:52

I'm in a mood and taking a few days away from the computer but it occurred to me I'd better post and let people know that - My absence is not because I've joined the latest Exodus.  I'm just in a foul mood and being quiet because...

a)  The *wank* and stupidity is making me irritable and I'm tired of reading my f-list because of it.
b)  Aunt Flo is here for her monthly visit.
c)  I'm just generally depressed and irritable due to lack of sleep, old memories surfacing, weather, and television.

So, I'm around, but being selfish and not taking the time to interact properly with my friends.  Please forgive me but don't panic - I'm still here.

In other news...  I usually *hate* spoilers but somehow I read this one before it was too late and I feel so many levels of joy about it, I have to share:  From OG...

Veteran actor Richard Briers revealed on BBC News24 that he will be appearing in an episode of Series Two of Torchwood.   The actor, who was being interviewed about remastered Charlie Chaplin films, said he read the script last night and it scared him.

It's the bit about him getting scared that makes my heart melt...  Can you imagine?  Gentle, sweet Tom on Torchwood?  I can't wait...  I hope he gets same-gender snogged.  :)))

wank, real_life, torchwood

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