dink dink dink dinky dink

Jul 18, 2007 12:07

After a year or more of knowing I should convert my journal layout over to one of the S2 styles, I've *finally* done it... Thing is, I *really* liked my first layout. I was loathe to abandon it... But I really wanted more functionality and so forth, so things have been subtlety redesigned. And it's really nice to have all the bells and whistles, at last. I like having my tags readily available and my comment pages in my stylesheet. Very slick!

One question though... I knew about that trick of adding on ?style=mine to the end of someone else's post to force it into my style but now that I'm on S2, I wonder if there is a similar trick to force a page into the old *generic* style... When I read fanfic, I can't stand doing it in a stylesheet (mine or otherwise) and just want to apply that simple, expansive, white, generic page layout... Which is no longer "mine". Anyone?


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