John Castle: Dark Blue Perfume

Jul 23, 2005 14:35

I'm very, very torn about this one... I want to share and discuss Dark Blue Perfume like nobody's business, but you have to make a choice: You will really ruin the experience of this jem of a script by viewing the screen caps and entering the cut to hear me yap aboout it. So, what will it be? Will you wait a week or two, or...

John's beauty aside, this is stunningly filmed - you might not notice just watching. When I was taking pictures though - frame by frame - I was enthralled with what the director did with light and sweeping camera movements. Really sublime visual artistry - hope he/she got recognition for it. And I really think this is one of the strongest scripts I've watched in a long time - maybe the mystery part would be predictable to some, but the character portrayal/development is top notch. I think this character, and how John acted it, runs very close to Guy in Bramwell in 'best performances' (which is really interesting as it was the same year.) I can't wait for a DVD release - my left thumb for a clear copy!

Watchability of the copy I was lent wasn't bad, but the caps didn't turn out so great. Among the 'failed' group is a seriously sexy John 'the morning after' - rumpled, untucked, frowzy... :::eep::: The best snogging was just too dark and/or blurry to capture - The same is true for the several lick lippings (after the kisses). You will just have to wait for the live performance for the best of it. ;-)

Lots of 'research shots' - hands mostly. Screen cap #114 = a coffee service is roughly bumped aside on a desk so that wild monkey love may be had upon it. :::eep::: Well, ok... maybe they wind up on the floor (judging from the angle they are propelling in the fade out shot.) Use your imagination.

Really noticing the details in this one...

He wears his watch in that funny way - face in.

Fountain pen used - right handed.

Always a lick of the lips after kissing. Hmm... really didn't get any shots of either - kissing or licking. :-(

As I said, there are some spectacular lighting moments - I couldn't choose a favorite. But in some cases, the grainy quality of the copy looked almost artistic with the amazing light/camera direction and I took many simply for their artistic value (not to see our lovely.) I feel wallpapers coming on... Random favorites:

There are SO MANY MORE favorites - that's just a quick list. The full collection is here.

What's next? I will probably be posting my screen caps of The Bretts tonight, and Sparrow in the next couple of days (there are hundreds...) Then, of course, on to the new stuff! Oh, I also have a couple of Plays & Players to scan/upload too.


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