John Castle: OMG :::squeeeeeee:::

Jul 21, 2005 18:48

Another fan ANGEL has lent me a serious chunk of her John Castle collection which arrived today... Since I'm basically evil, I simply must blurt out:

DARK BLUE PERFUME IS FRICKIN AWESOME!!! Seriously awesome character angst and creepyness. Massively sexy 'vintage meat' snogging (and implied rough/athletic sex.) Egads, 'Sex God' doesn't even begin to cover it...

I'm at a loss to know where to start... I have to watch everything, screen cap everything, aaaaaahhhhhh... I'm sorry I started with Dark Blue - I want to watch it over and over and over. I can't seem to set it aside and get to the other stuff. Twisted kink moment: Watching John write a note with a fountain pen (did I mention I collect them?)

Obviously, Dark Blue is going to get a post of it's own when I screen cap it, but right now I have a minion task: fenice_fu has already pointed out to me that this is the second production JC and Susannah York share the lead in... What she didn't know (not having seen it yet) is that for a second time, JC and SY have some serious screen chemistry together. Once is good acting, twice is fodder for consideration. Just how well do these two know each other? Has anyone read anything that talks about JC and/or SY's off-screen friends?


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