Pertwee/Three squee

Mar 20, 2007 08:15

The pressures of the World (and lack of sleep) have at least given me an excuse to bury myself in the pile of Third Doctor avi's I have been collecting... And OMG, I've *so* forgotten how much I love him. And yeah, THREE AND JO 4EVAH! He is *SO* pervy with her... Bhuahahaha!

He is a Sex God - He sings (augh!), he fences, he constantly touches, he *doesn't* think he knows everything (but he kind of really does,) he has the BEST companions (Brig/Benton), he has the *BEST* Master... :))) Jo is not a complete incompetent - Sure, she asks what's going on a lot and has been known to faint once in a while, but for the most part she defends herself and it's a pretty rare day she actually screams. I've seen far worse.

And some of the best stories are turning up... It's strange - I know them all like they were my own memories but I don't really remember them at all... It's been 10-15 years since I've watched some of them. It's like watching them for the first time, but somehow I know every stich on every costume, every look on every face, every character... Weird. The Time Monster *rocked* and Carnival of Monsters was amazing - I am finding that I like the episodes where we get off Earth much more. Which is a bit of a surprise - I remember it the other way around.

I'm having trouble with fatigue the past few days so although I couldn't sleep and watched hours and hours of Who, I also couldn't stand up or get to the computer to take all the screen caps and blatther on and on about Pertwee. But here are a couple of *gorgeous* caps I quicky took this morning of that really shippy moment in the dungeon in Time Monster... Petwee is HAWT.

More to come, as I'm completely in love and you must all suffer the consequences. ;-)

(Ages ago I squee'd about the Brig...  Twice.  Did no one see that?  Where are all my Brig fangirls/boys?)


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