Change is BAD

Jun 29, 2005 09:24

In composing a Blowup review/discussion I have discovered... David Hemmings is dead! :::Noooooooo!!!::: 3 December 2003 - Bucharest, Romania - heart attack. People, he was a year younger than John. Totally uncool.

Some lovely quotes from the imdb:

"I quite like being mobbed. After all it is extremely nice to be recognized. That's what acting is all about - being recognized."

"I don't mind autograph hunters when I go down the fish and chip shop. As long as I get my chips."

"People thought I was dead. But I wasn't. I was just directing 'The A-Team'."

A somewhat recent picture:

And a lovely one from years ago ("Will you sell it to me?"):

fandom, airwolf

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