Something that bugs me

Sep 05, 2006 22:05

I'm pretty damn easy when it comes to details in shows/movies - Details just don't concern me...  But I'm totally obsessed with one thing that bugs the shit out of me in cop shows (both old and new.)  And I can't believe how often it happens:

1) Someone gets killed - We, the audience, see the side characters at the crime scene and all the shiny lights and yellow tape are set up.  It looks like they've been there a while, chatting about all the boring stuff the audience needs to know but our heroes can't be bothered with.

2) Side character(s) leave the scene (or maybe they make a phone call) - They find our heroes back at the office or some other location and tell them, "OMG!  Crime scene! Check it out!"  Sometimes it's clear that this step has covered the timespan of at least an hour or more (between driving time and probable actions/conversation, etc. between on-screen scenes.)

3) Our heroes arrive at crime scene - clearly MUCH TIME HAS PASSED (hours even) - And yet, when they arrive, someone is *just* pulling a sheet over the dead guy, backup teams are rushing in SWAT-style, and AMBULANCES ARE SCREECHING UP TO THE SCENE.

Did I mention *ages* have passed?

rants, fandom

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