Jun 10, 2003 15:44
What the hell... If you haven't beat The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, then don't read this post. It might spoil part of the game for you.
Now, I just beat the second temple, in the seconf series of temples. This was after four temples prior. The first four temples let me into Hyrule, so I could find out that my sword was a piece of shit.
The second set of temples restored the sword to it's original strength.
The next set of fun-filled quests is for me to find all 8 pieces of the Triforce of Courage. No, you aren't looking for the WHOLE Triforce, just 8 pieces of 1 piece of the Triforce.
How are you to find these pieces, you ask?
You must find 8 maps. Even nicer, they're all written in ancient Hyrulian language, so you gotta pay this little elf bastard 398 rupies per map to get it translated.
Then, you have to go to these places, and figure out the puzzles, beat the monsters, and eventually gain all 8 pieces of the triforce piece (not the whole triforce, just ONE piece) and then you get to go to the main event: Hyrule, because guess who's taken over the castle and kidnapped the princess... AGAIN.
Oh. OH. OH, THE FUCKIN LABRYNTH!?!?!?!?!!!! ::eye twitch::
One of these maps leads to a labrynth. Not a dungeon. A fuckin labrynth. WITH FIFTY-ONE FUCKING LEVELS. Who in their right mind creates a LABRYNTH with FIFTY-ONE LEVELS?!!?!? ::dies::
::tear:: I'm never going to finish this game damnit. ::pout::
Later all. =D