RP with isabelowens | Lunch, or something like that

Jul 06, 2009 20:22

Ali's Prada blouse and skirt had been a write off by the time Jamie was done with them. Not even a good sponging down with baby wipes and Febreeze had been able to save the tragedy. Ali was on autopilot by that point, and she was now more than convinced her mother-in-law-to-be thought she was whacko. She had been hardly able to string three ( Read more... )

[ship] ali/andrew, [arc] maternal instinct, [rp] isabelowens, [with] isabelowens, [arc] committment

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isabelowens July 6 2009, 10:47:31 UTC
Izzy had watched the entrance, taking in everything Ali did up until the greeting. She had to admire the fact that Ali could pull off wearing one of Andrew's shirts, but it was the shaking hands and anxious expression that had Izzy worried.

"It's okay, I'm not in any rush. James has enough paperwork to keep him busy for a while." She tilted her head as she reached out to touch her friend's hand. "What's happened?"


agentsullivan July 6 2009, 10:54:15 UTC
"Nothing, it's all good." Another smile was pushed to the forefront. She read over the menu, but it felt like the words were a blur on on the page. "You must be loving having him back to pull the piss out of."

The waiter came over to take their order and Ali still wasn't sure she could brave shoving anything down her throat, even if the ice cream had been brilliant. At least up until it make her feel nauseous. That train of thought had her nearly jumping out of her skin and she knocked a fork onto the floor. "Shitting fuck," she cursed and scrambled to pick it up. She shoved the fork and the menu into the waiter's hand. "I'll have a Diet Dr Pregnant- I mean Pepper! I said Pepper!" she said, her voice breaking. "How's the footballer?"


isabelowens July 6 2009, 11:13:37 UTC
Iz once again watched it all calmly, her eyebrows raising slightly in response to her comments before the Freudian slip to the waiter. Iz handed over her menu and gave the waiter a smile. "I'll have a Diet Dr Pepper as well, and I'll also have the burger and fries. Thank you."

She waited until the surprised man wondered off, no doubt to tell his mates in the kitchen all about the crazy Pepper lady. Iz leaned forward, and arched an eyebrow at Ali. "Never mind the footballer, are you pregnant?"


agentsullivan July 6 2009, 11:16:32 UTC
"No," Ali said, even if it came out with a rush of breath and sounded more like a growl than a polite response. She placed her hands calmly on the table beside her place mat. "No, because I just had a baby and just fit back in my skinny jeans. It's impossible. My Prada new season blouse has baby puke on it. That means the baby is already here. My uterus still has a semi-occupied sign hanging off it. No."


isabelowens July 6 2009, 11:20:44 UTC
Izzy just looked at Ali, trying to work out if maybe her friend was just in denial. "It's still possible to get knocked up soon after you give birth. It's not recommended, but it's possible. Honey, if it's not you getting knocked up by your well-endowed paramedic, then what's got you all thing?"


agentsullivan July 6 2009, 11:25:04 UTC
"It's just 'cause I'm late! That's all!" Ali then realised the words that had come out of her mouth and she squeaked. "Late to this! To here! To lunch! I had too much Ben & Jerry's for breakfast, it broke my brain. Don't ask me why I did that, because I don't know! I don't know why I wanted to hump my sleeping fiance either, because that's effing depraved but his arse looks really good in those overalls!"


isabelowens July 6 2009, 11:29:38 UTC
Iz continued to just look at Ali. "Fuck, Al... Those are all not very good things when put together."


agentsullivan July 6 2009, 11:33:14 UTC
Ali looked at Izzy with wide eyes, shaking her head just slightly. "Sunshine's seven months old. I was on the pill. We used condoms. At least, we did until we went to Australia, but I was still on the pill. It can't be, it's just got to be one of those things, right? Everyone's late sometimes, aren't they? I mean, a kid came out of there. It's got to be maybe on a delayed schedule or something."


isabelowens July 6 2009, 11:36:21 UTC
Izzy shook her head. "Not by a couple of weeks. I've been a couple of days, but not weeks. Has it been working fine before now? Now dramas? Maybe it was being on the other side of the world that made it happen? Sperm had a helping hand swimming up into your baby incubator?"


agentsullivan July 6 2009, 11:39:59 UTC
Ali slumped so far down into her chair she nearly disappeared under the table, with her chin was restined against her chest. "My baby's incubated! Thirty six hours of hell on a fucking stick reminds me of that! What am I? Norsca, the Greek Goddess of Getting Knocked Up Just for Breathing?! Iz, I'm screwed. I can feel it. I ate nearly a whole tub of B&J's for breakfast and I put my bra on inside out. How did this happen?"


isabelowens July 6 2009, 11:47:30 UTC
Iz raised her hand to try and hide her amusement. She knew she shouldn't have been enjoying this. "Honey, if you need me to explain that, I'm going to start wondering what exactly you can get a sex injury from, it it's not sex. Makes me kind of jealous. You're already on baby number two, and I haven't even gotten started. I'm going to be fifty by the time I start a family."


agentsullivan July 6 2009, 11:52:02 UTC
"Maybe you didn't piss upside down as the clocked ticked midnight on the last blue moon?" Ali said and put her hand over her eyes, nearly taking her eye out with her engagement ring which she still hadn't gotten used to wearing. "Because I think I did. My ovaries are a sperm magnet. How can I do this? I barely manage to get dressed some days when she's all cranky and Andrew's working."

She looked down at her stomach and brushed her good hand over it. "But this time it's a little Andy in there. It's... different."


isabelowens July 6 2009, 12:00:23 UTC
Isabel shifted so she wasn't sitting across from Ali, but next to her, and stroked her fingers through her friend's hair before she tucked a few strands behind Ali's ear. "Would it really be so bad? Forgetting your skinny jeans for a moment. It is a little Andy in there. This isn't a baby born of... well, whatever you and Mark had."


agentsullivan July 6 2009, 12:06:25 UTC
"Drunken sex and misguided feelings because you were getting closer to James and I didn't want to be alone?" Ali murmured and then stuck her tongue out. "I hated being pregnant. Everything about it. I hated giving birth. But then after that, it was pretty cool, with her little fingers and toes, and the warm weight in my arms..."

She sighed slowly. "What's he even going to say? He's already been amazing taking Jamie on like she is his own. Even his Mum has accepted her like she's her own granddaughter. No pressure for us to get married or anything like that. I don't even know how it could have happened. I went on the pill as soon as things were healing and shit. But... I dunno. I guess it happened in Australia with the weird-arsed timezones and crap."


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