just_muse_me | 12.6.4. TEN ways you know you're in love

Jan 16, 2009 19:15

12.6.4. TEN ways you know you're in love

1. His smile makes you warm in all the right places
2. When he nearly smacks you in the face during the night in his sleep, you see it as an excuse to grab his arm and wrap it around you
3. You don't care if he throws up all over you
4. You cook breakfast and arrange the bacon in a love heart
5. Shower gel is no longer soap but a sexual aid
6. He's not sweeping the floor, he's just giving you a perfect view of his arse
7. You start to lovingly fold his undies in neat little piles
8. You decide to become a Klingon to his back when he's trying to do the dishes... and he just tells you how nice and warm you feel
9. You want to stick your hand down his pants when he's on the phone to his Mum
10. You want to cry when he kisses your baby daughter

[ship] ali/andrew, [arc] motherhood, [comm] just_muse_me

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