Jun 20, 2007 20:45
I was innocently reading George Carlin's When Will Jesus Bring the Porkchops? (Hilarious book by the way...totally recommend it to those that are open-minded individuals who don't take offense over politics, religion, etc.) So anyway, like I said I was reading my book and suddenly I begin hearing these very loud screams. I frantically looked around, outside the window to see if anyone was dying or dehydrating and provide my uttermost help in their dire time of need. To my surprise, the voices were coming from above (I live in an apartment complex). But these were not ordinary screams..oh no..they were shouts that one delivers when an exorcism is being performed on one self. NO JOKE. My neighbors were performing an exorcism on some dude/woman (not exactly sure considering it was hard to distinguish) I silently sat in shock. In my mind I kept repeating the only words one can utter when one feels as disturbed as I was: What the FUCK!!