Gotta Holler for Halla

Apr 30, 2004 15:37

Krista and I are criminals. This morning we accidentally stole someone's halla. That’s right, we somehow managed to kidnap three immense bags of halla without even knowing it. I feel bad because now there's probably some poor confused Hasidic guy running around without his halla.

I can hear the newscast now: This just in. It has been confirmed that two National Honor Society representatives are holding captive 3, you heard correctly, 3 bags of halla. There is need for immediate concern, and agents from the FBI are currently investigating this disturbing incident. They fear that the halla disappearance is a result of a carbohydrate discrimination conspiracy. If you have any information regarding the "Bread Bandits” please notify authorities, or call 179-354-8765. Any information you can provide on these two outlaws may be critical to their capture. Although they lack in height they are to be regarded as highly dangerous.

Luckily, Friedman ran to take the halla back to the bagel shop this morning. The question is, will the guy still want his halla after it had visited Manalapan High School? Probably not. Maybe we should have asked for ransom, but that would have only made the halla situation worse. I just feel bad that we might have made 3 defenseless bags of halla homeless. What did the halla do to deserve such a fate? I think it's now time to become a halla activist. There should be halla support groups and halla educational courses to prevent such instances from happening again. Yes Yes. That would work. At least now I feel a little less guilty.

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