Hmmm, why are my "excursions" so strange...?

Apr 16, 2004 22:51

Me: Holy shit! That's a lot of ants!
Marc: I really want to pee on those ants...
Maria: Do it, Marc, pee on 'em...

Yeaaahh..., so I went to the rec center with Maria and Marc after school. We walked the nature trail, a.k.a. Manalapan's "ghetto forest," and once Marc gave up his aspirations for peeing on ants he settled for humping Maria in the middle of a field -- All of which would have been enjoyable for me, had I not almost given some random baseball dude a concussion. But what preceded these events was where the real fun started...

So I get in the car and Marc starts playing a song that sounds oddly familiar to me on his new stereo (new because he won the lottery, by the way). Here's how the following conversation went-

Me: Wow, this song sounds so much like Bohemian Rhapsody. What is it?

(Blank stares)

Me: So what is it?

Marc: Wait, are you kidding?

Me: What???

Maria: Ummmm, this IS Bohemian Rhapsody.
(yeah... sure, I knew that...)

Then, we were driving along, and Marc gets pissed off at some random bad driving lady. So he slows down right in front of her, stares at here through the window with a smile, all in the middle of an intersection of course, and then drives away. My guess is, she's pretty traumatized. I doubt she'll make THAT mistake again.

So, after that little incident we went and admired the fungal growth of the rec center's "river" as Maria would call it, and even tried to find some deer. Ahhhh, what a fun adventure... peculiar... ok, downright frightening, but fun.

And, just for the record Kehoe, I don't owe you $50 damn it!!! Bet's off! (hehe)... damn wrestlers for whom I don't know the names of! lol.

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