Jan 19, 2010 22:57
I apologize for the extreme suckage of my state.
The only thing I can tell you is that no one in my family voted for Scott Brown.
And of course tomorrow, my conservative co-workers (who all live in CT) will be ecstatic about this. They actually asked me who I was voting for, and I generally keep my mouth shut about my political leanings because I do generally like the people I work with, but I was unable to stifle myself.
I'm just going to console myself with knowing we can vote the jerkface out in less than 6 years, AND this will probably lead me to actually getting politically active. I have promised myself I will call his office and complain about his votes on key issues. I will email and send him actual mail!
But God, this just SUCKS.
I'm so sorry, Teddy.
epic fail