John McCain Doesn't Completely Suck

Feb 26, 2008 17:37

Even though I generally don't agree with Senator John McCain on a lot of things, I do agree the man is a big damn American hero, and generally a good guy.  I also think the guy is way too good for his party most of the time, which is why his move to the right on certain issues has saddened me.  But hey, at least he admits that global warming exists and that we aren't going to fix illegal immigration by building a big fence.

Even more proof the guy is better than his party is this headline:

McCain disavows comments about Obama

For those not inclined to read the headline, John McCain said that making disparaging comments about EITHER Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton was uncool.  Specifically, the repeated use of Barack Obama's middle name, Hussein as a way to somehow cast doubt on his patriotism.  Somehow I doubt the presumptive GOP nominee saying he would never do that is not going to stop all those conservative talk show people from doing it.  However, I give McCain points for class and effort.

Well played, sir.


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