This was originally posted on my Facebook, but I figured I should share it with you folks too. If you're a Twilight fan, read with caution. It's kind of, well, mean.
Warnings: strong language, excess sarcasm, one or two mentions of TEH SECKS.
Twilight: A Review )
When they get married (because Eddie will only vamp her when they're married) he doesn't vamp her straight away. They have sex (which Bella gets knocked out whilst doing, waking up in the hospital asking, 'WTF?' - there's a rant about that somewhere on LJ), she gets preggers with a Biology defying baby (how can you have a baby with a dead person?) that then proceeds to abuse her from the inside. I think Bella's spine was broken and that's why Edward changed her (but I could be wrong. I only got up to the third chapter of Eclipse before wanting to kill myself). Rosalie stopped hating on her cause she had a baby before being vamped (cause she wanted babies and that's why she hated Bella - she was human and was chucking it away for her one twu luv...) The last line was something about how they were in their perfect little happy ending, or some bollocks like that. It was just puke inducing.
Thing is, because she's so readable, the people with a low reading ability will still be able to read it, thus perpetuating the idea that it's great. It's why people will read Twilight and not Pride and Prejudice or Wuthering Heights (not that I've read the latter, just never got round to it), cause it's easy.
Good ramble. :D And hi! I tried to comment on your 'I'm baaaaaaack!' post, but LJ wasn't working for me yesterday. Anyways. :D
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