May 27, 2004 22:00
That's right, it is I. The wise cracking, smirk shooting king of his own mind is back! Does he have anything to say!? Well, no. But that's alright because everybody loves him anyhow. I've gotta say, I'm very disappointed in the distinct lack of gaming done by my young 'un crew in the recent past. Tsk tsk. I'll leave it at that. Max: stop smoking you stupid bastard! You're too poor and winded easily enough as it is, you don't need to smoke on top of it. Exactly how many people need to shout at you to stop and tell you that you smell like ass before you'll just quit? Bryan: post or something. You could also, heaven forbid, call me and let me know what the crap is going on so as we can plan something to friggin' do (and yes, I'm gonna go ahead and ignore the fact that I'm just as capable of calling you because it's convenient at the moment.) Jason: stop working for two minutes and play with your friends. Craig: grow back your hair. No particular reason, I just thing you look better with it. You're like Moby with a tan right now. Fellas, I'm thinking something needs to be done this weekend if you're free. I'm not sure what, but something. LAN party, capture the flag, giant game of hide and go seek, team sports, trampoline jumping, poker, something. Craig suggested some kind of weekend BBQ gaming thing some weekend, he'll have to get back to me on some specifics. The rest of you, pick something to do that's low cost and let me know. I'm pretty sure we could use LJ to coordinate some kind of activity (I know Bryan, you're anti-LJ-being-used-for-any-important-binding-conversation, but I don't care!) So talk to me!