Title: "Some Pretty Bad Things"
Author: AgentRez
Rating: T Characters: Tony, Jack
Warnings: Spoilers for those who are behind on season 7, some foul language
Summary: The back-story of what Tony's been up to since we thought he was dead. Also a story about his complex friendship with Jack and how that friendship will be tested throughout the day.
UPDATE: The first chapter has been rewritten to incorporate Tony's promise to Jack in the 7th episode of season 7. Please reread that before continuing. Disclaimer: If I owned the characters, Tony never would have been "killed" in the first place (or at least, he would have had the story he deserved in season 5!)
For those of you who read this before, I rewrote the first chapter after the 2 PM episode gave me an opening to work my story into the events of the day. Instead of taking place as part of the 11 AM episode, this now takes place at the end of the day. The threats have been averted and Tony is prepared to make good on his promise to Jack and turn himself in. The story Tony is telling Jack has not changed, just the context of when and where he is telling it.
Jack, Tony and Chloe are boxing up "Rogue CTU" while they wait for Bill to come pick them up to take Tony to FBI headquarters.
"Alright, we'll come outside in a minute," Jack says into the phone.
"It doesn't seem fair that you still have to go back to jail after everything you've accomplished today," Chloe says in typical Chloe fashion.
"It is what it is," Tony replies. "Thanks again for all your help...you can be a pain in the ass but we couldn't have done it without you," he says, looking up for the first time.
"You're welcome," she responds. She walks over and gives Tony a hug.
"Take care of yourself, Chloe, alright?" Tony says.
"I will. You too," she responds.
Jack hangs up and glances over at Tony.
"You ready?" Jack asks softly. Tony nods slowly, looking down, and reluctantly follows Jack to the stairs.
They step outside "rogue CTU" and walk toward Bill's van. Bill is on the phone in the driver's seat. Jack gets in the vehicle but notices Tony lingering back.
"Come on, Tony. We've got to go," Jack says gently.
"Yeah, I know. Just give me a sec," Tony says, glancing around one more time, trying to take in what freedom is like before turning himself in. After a few moments he climbs into the van, blinking back tears as he stares out the window.
"Alright, thanks again," Bill says before hanging up the phone. He turns around toward Jack and Tony.
"Jack, I just talked to Renee. She said she would meet you guys at Teaism over on 8th Street. That way you can take Tony to have some real food and the two of you can talk. She'll take Tony back with her when you're done."
"Bill, I appreciate it, but I'd rather just get this over with," Tony says quietly.
"If that's what you prefer I'll take you there now," Bill says to Tony. "But I think you and Jack should have a chance to talk before you go."
"I already told you everything I did. Can't you just fill Jack in?"
"Yes, I can, and I will if you want me to. But the two of you have been friends for years...I think you'll both be better off if you tell him yourself."
"It's up to you, Tony," Jack says softly.
Tony sighs. The thought of telling Jack everything he's done makes him more nauseous even than the thought of going back to prison, but deep down he knows Bill is right.
"I guess you're right," he says after a minute. "Besides, I am pretty hungry," he admits.
They get into Bill's van and Bill drives them a few blocks to the restaurant. Renee meets them outside. She is holding a GPS ankle bracelet.
"I'm sorry to do this, but Agent Moss wanted me to put this on you just in case," she tells Tony.
"Is that really necessary?" Bill asks.
"I told him I didn't think so, but I was overruled," she says.
"It's fine," Tony says. "That way I won't...I won't even be tempted to run," he admits. Jack smiles sympathetically.
He puts the bracelet on his ankle and then follows Jack into the restaurant. They sit down and order, and then there is an awkward silence, neither knowing where to begin.
"Listen, Jack, I know that you're going to be disgusted when I tell you some of the things I've done and I don't blame you for that," Tony says after a minute. "But I just want you to know that I get it. I get that the things I did were wrong and that my actions have consequences, and I'm probably going to spend the rest of my life in jail for it. So I don't blame you if you get angry, but I don't need you to lecture me, alright?"
"Fair enough," Jack agrees.
What do you think so far? I’ll keep writing if you guys like it, and try to explore the back story of how Tony came to work with Emerson and what those “pretty bad things” were. Hint: they tie into events of season 6, and some of them affect Jack personally. Stay tuned…