Oct 28, 2010 09:22
Are you stressed because of work, family or relationship problems?
Are tired of focusing your energy on projects or activities without seeing any positive results?
Do you feel like you have the weight of the world crashing down on your shoulders?
Well, we have the solution for you.
Try: Not Giving A Fuck
There are times that I think if I'm not working my way out of deficit that I can't work at all. I fuck off things to the degree that avoiding looking at them becomes a coping mechanism. Like a person with a slowly growing lump on their face who thinks, "It's not cancer if I don't go to the doctor." I have become a master of not getting the job done lately, but hey, I'm caught up on all the TV series that I watch regularly.
That is something that just should not happen. If I'm all caught up on Leverage, Doctor Who, Venture Bros, True Blood, Burn Notice, and Dexter then I have spent a serious amount of time not working on anything important. The signs are all around me too. My unfilled prescription for depression/anxiety/OCD/premature-ejaculation/whatever-else-this-stuff-does might have something to do with this, but that's mostly a cop out. The more I don't do, the harder it gets to start. I'm so tired all the time lately. On a day off I'll sleep the whole day away, get up for two hours, and then get drowsy and go back to sleep.
The kicker is that if I stay up then I just start seeking out the comforts of a bottle or food or something else. Sleeping my day away probably amounts to one of the healthier alternatives at my disposal. Once I got my life in order and I was so bored I wanted to kill myself.
I hate this feeling of not being comfortable in my own skin and I hate even more not knowing how to break myself out of it. I'm even making LJ entries cause, you know, that's worked in the past right?