The Christmas Haul

Dec 29, 2009 12:38

I'm in a kind of "count your blessings" mood today. So I thought I'd make a short post of some of the gifts I got for Christmas this year from eyulf4evr and my family. An LJ cut has been provided to protect the five of you who actually still read this journal and don't want to look at my Christmas gifts.

Still with me? Cool.
First off I would just like it noted that I have the most pathetic Christmas tree in existence without it being an actual reproduction of the tree from a Charlie Brown Christmas Special. Two interesting facts.
(1) If I ever ran across a reproduction of Charlie Brown's pathetic tree I would BUY IT!
(2) The only reason the tree is still up is because darklegends' gifts are still under it.

First off, my brother bought me a thermal balaclava.
I LOOK LIKE A NINJA!!! Scratch that off life goals.

Now I look like Sean "Dark Smoke Puncher" McNinja from The Adventures of Dr McNinja
which makes me geekier still. "Surely," You say. "There can be nothing geekier then this."

You know what I say? "Don't call me Shirley."

And "I believe you have my stapler." but that's unrelated.

My lovely also got me ranged weaponry.


Unfortunately the firing of guns in the house caused the cat to take cover.

Fortunately, a cat nip jingle bell mouse I got HIM for Christmas and all was forgiven.

Let's tone it down with a Soft Fluffy Blanket. It's good of them to mark it as such.

In my youth I was Tigger, now I'm leaning more towards Pooh Bear in body type.

I also got GAMES!!! Yaaay! This one is probably going to go next to the Scene It: Marvel in
the category of games only I want to play when people are over. For the record, EVERYONE wants
to play Munchkin after the first time. Thanks Pete.

My parents, in their never ending battle to save me for diabetes, bought me a Nintendo Wii.
I sent a text message to my friend JB after I got it telling him. The reply I got back, "Homo."

Even better, my parents got me the Wii Fit seen here being modelled by the always helpful Oscar.
If you don't think the Wii Fit's primary function is to get other people in the room to lose weight
laughing at you then you've never seen me play Super Hula Hoop.

And here is another game I am dying to play, Batman Arkham Asylum (Yay for PS3 being able to play
as the Joker!) and the lovely girlfriend who got it for me asleep on the couch with her laptop.

The only reason I'm not playing with either of these things right now is because I have to draw
a comic. Yes. That's right. Got to be productive. That's why I just spent over an hour taking
pictures of Christmas Gifts and getting the HTML to function properly on this post.

I think I can hear the flying monkeys on their way as we speak.

presents, ava, christmas, parents, brother, procrastination

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