My girlfriend has recently gotten me into The Dreseden Files, a fantasy book series you might have heard of as the SciFi channel has bought the rights to it and, to the best of my knowledge, decided all the little quirks that I love out of the books "don't work well" for the TV series. Just from what I've heard you need to understand two things
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Just wait until you get to meet 'Sue'
On a geeky side note between friends, I just want to confirm something.
Do you, while reading the books, envision the scene done from the angle of someone else in the scene as I do? Murphy being the narrator as Dresden talks about the crime scene, etc etc. I think it says something because everyone seems to act independently in the books but we only get Harry's POV. I would love a short story written from the POV of anyone besides Harry.
I think it would pretty badass. Oh wait, I have girlfriend who writes Harry Potter fanfic, I guess I'll just send you a link when I goad her into making it.
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