May 17, 2002 12:10
I just talked to Ben on AIM for about 2 hours. I'm glad I talked to the kid. It was nice to talk about her with him and just about a bunch of other shit. I didn't even go off on the guy like I thought I would. That surprised me. This whole situation still bothers the hell out of me though. I'm gonna try to deal with it as best as I can though. I hope Ben uses Krystal like Thomas and Travis did, and as Travis contintues to want to do. I don't see how she can be attracted to guys that are between 25 and 30. Making out with them and sleeping in the same bed with them and whatever other stuff they've done with eachother. That's just sick. These guys are pathetic if they're that old and can't get anyone their age and have to go for young girls. But oh well, I came across information from a few people today about how she really is, and it's the truth. So I'm glad I talked to them, thanks people. Krystal I know you did it willingly with them and that you wanted to bad ass...I know how you get. You really truly are trash.
Update -
Hahhaah she just IMed me and told me she's gonna be with Ben and that he's already made her happy and that she'll be happy with him. She's fucking funny. I just laughed my ass of at her IMs. Especially the one about me kissing Jessica's ass. Hahahaha how do I kiss Jess's ass? Is it because you tell your best friend to fuck off for no reason at all and I defend her? That's just stupid. As for me growing old and alone, oh well, I don't expect to live that long anyways, and I'd rather be alone that be like you.