I am uber, hear me roar

Aug 14, 2005 03:56

Its Saturday night and I'm bored as fuck. Most of my friends were too "tired" from work to do anything so I am at home not really doing anything. Don't get me wrong I was having a blast owning at halo earlier but even that gets old after awhile. I mean when you're as uber as I am things can get pretty damn boring when you are doing nothing but owning. Anyways since I don't have anything to do I figured that Iw ould get on and talk about a few things I guess.

Lately I have had really bad insomnia. I can't fucking sleep worth shit and there is so many video games I can play to try to keep my brain functioning. What really sucks the most about Insomina is that you run out of things to do. Also when you have Insomnia people start asking you reall retarded questions and pretty much everything irritates you. Like when i'm really tired for some reason I look like i'm stoned off of weed. So I get all those dumb questions like "Hey Nick are you on drugs" which then I usually reply with "Hey I will piss you're soda cup so you can take it to a lab and find out" My insomnia is actually more like a seasonal thing. When the weather starts to shift it fucks up my system so bad that I can't sleep. Now when I have insomnia I sit there and read books I also like to look up shit on the internet. Thats probably how I got smart: with all the research I did while I had Insomnia. Well since I don't really feel like doing research right now I decided to update my journal once again.

Well now that I got the reason why I'm updating this journal so early in the morning on a Saturday well techinically Sunday but you know what I mean dammit, I can move on with the journal. I have noticed lately that my self-esteem is actually on the increase. Which I guess is the best thing. I don't really give a shit about getting a girlfriend anymore and since I don't my true self seems to be coming out. I noticed how much of a smart ass I have been towards everyone lately. I'm now even crazier then I was before. I even starting mocking my manager on her way out of the theatre today. The whole damn staff was laughing as I walked around acting like a wide load and started beeping whenever I was backing up. I got so many "Wow hahahaha Nick thats fucked up" It was fucking great. Yeah i'm so clever I even suprise myself sometimes. Work is actually alot of fun, Its especially fun when people who work there take the job too seriously. Which means its funny to watch every manager that works there lose their nerve. AMC is a constant source of entertainment for that reason. Well i'm actually tired now so i gotta go bye
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