jesus livejournal, you smell like tumblr

May 20, 2014 14:18

jesus christ what is with these changes?
i got away for ...several weeks, and this happens?

anyhoo, i have been working so hard, and paying attention to no one, that i feel like i am in a ball of neglect.
neglected friends.
neglected self.
so i have to change.
even though im saving up the wazoo so i can go nuts in London, i blew some cash yesterday on a CD i found and wasnt expecting to. and bought a hat from hell itself: AP.
but now i really want a pair of pants that are overpriced.
the last time i spent on something i got excited over and i received it i was a bit disappointed *looks at ADIDAS*

so yeah i have to chill.
i know its stupid to just plow through my life like this, but ive been on this Micheal Bluth inspired work ethic for a couple of years now, and im not disappointed.and now i have the daunting task of thinking about returning to school for business or just inheriting the funeral business.
Im going to spend the next few months not doing much with my hair. Last year(and th eyear before it really) i did the most with my hair that i have ever done(after high school). it was dyed to platinum, dyed, shaved, super cut, etc. and ever since i dyed my hair black and started co washing, and leaving it be, it's like i can actually hear it thank me, and thats frightening, LOL.

Im also going to drastically change my diet. i was extremely bad this month. im not even playing. i ate so much pudding and crap, even though i wasnt hungry, for nothing.
Also im having a tough time putting together "looks".
but on another note, i plan to take it easy this summer. and i plan to not run around so much, flights every where, in every direction, that rush rush rush. im going to chill out here, and go to the pools, and festivals, and just relax. for once.
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