I'm a baby whale

Feb 26, 2006 18:46

...I'm hungry like a whale, anyway.

HUNGRY and ACHING inside because my Tamagotchi died this morning while I was trying to SLEEP god DAMMIT. Also I've been having these sharp pains in my stomach and chest. The stomach pains are probably somehow linked to the massive amounts of cheese I consumed last night in my horrible desolation but I'm gonna chalk the chest pains up to grief.

Or my bra's on too tight.

Either way, I'm still hungry.

I just wrote up this gigantic paragraph describing my awful sleep pattern this past week but no one really cares so let's just skip it and say I'm having some extreme insomnia.

And my foot fell asleep. I can't get up to pee now. I'd be taking a shower but I'm too damn tired.


There were other things I wanted to write about this week, but you know, I can't remember them.

I remember balloons. Those were nice. I didn't think my balloon would make it. It wasn't very attractive. Just pink with two off-color stripes. But flew up over the storage shed and the last time I saw it it was sailing down into the woods. There was no wind.


I got my pony in the mail. She sure is awesome. She has a teddy bear. Now his name's Mr. Blinky.

I bought a lot of books.

I told my dad I wanted to use the money I'd be saving from going to community college to take that educational tour of Japan. He said it was probably a scam to sell me as a slave to the Chinese and then he told me that when I come out of college I will almost certainly be in tremendous loads of debt and I'll probably have to move back in with mom until I'm forty.

He always says that. I'll have to keep working on getting there, even if I have to hear him talk about 'tremendous loads of debt' a million more times.

Charlie tracked his poop all over my freshly-laundered blanket.

Mmmmmmmmmmm fuzzy vision.
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