Jul 30, 2005 17:03
Everyone dehumanises someone. I don't think any large group is better than any other that way. No group like that is above hypocrisy and downright meanness. Anti-gay movements dehumanise 'gays.' Pro-gay movements dehumanise 'homophobes.' White supremacists dehumanise non-whites. Non-whites dehumanise whites. Adults dehumanise children and teenagers. Teenagers and children dehumanise adults. Males dehumanise females and females males. Science majors and arts majors. Intellectuals and non-intellectuals. Americans and non-Americans. Various social groups. Various countries. Various income levels.
The sad thing is, it's an obvious attitude to take that everyone not like you is less than you. But when you take the attitude that everyone who is not something that you are not, either, is less than you, then that's just sad.