Jun 26, 2006 08:54
I realize that most of my posts are boring and full of details that noone really cares about. Since noone really reads this anymore, it's become a way for me to write about my "adventures" since I don't have much time for a real journal. Real pen and paper just takes too much time. So, sorry if you are on my buddy list and actually get these. Feel free to just pass them by.
Today is 6 months for Greg and me. It's been great!
This past weekend was another good one. Greg came out to B-town Friday night, ate dinner and watched Napolean Dynamite. Woke up semi-early to drive out to Ludington. Met my parents for a pre-wedding drink. Checked into the hotel so we could change, then went to the church for my cousin's wedding. It was nice, but they didn't do any decorating at the church. Nothing at all. The wedding party was HUGE! I have never seen 8 people standing for each side. The bridesmades and groomsmen just kept on coming! So, that finished, and we stayed for family pictures. Back to the hotel for a nap. Met the parents again so they could follow us to the reception. It was at a park "on the lake" but it turns out that the penninsula we were on is 1. surrounded by trees that blocked most of the view and 2. there was a HUGE drop off to the water, so we couldn't get close. So, it was a decent place, would have been better if we had some beach. Oh well. The dj was setting up as we got there. Older equipment, just one man wearing a plaid shirt and cowboy boots. Greg made a prediction that the only music played would be country, or if it wasn't country, than it would be from before 1985. He was dead on. Country song after crappy country song. Then there was some 50's music. It was HORRIBLE! He played 16 Candles during the dollar dance. Who does this? He also played "Crazy" by PAtsy Cline twice, followed by some other slow old song which he claimed was the "best song ever written". We joked about the music all evening. Greg and I ended up leaving around 8:30. It was just that exciting. Went back to the room and chilled until my mom called. Drunk. Ha! It was quite funny. Slurring, not too bad, but definitly slurring. Finally got to sleep pretty early. Woke up so we could partake in free breakfast. It was delightful. Came back and got ready to check out. Then we headed to the water. It was raining, so we didn't stay long. But it was still nice. Headed back. Listened to the Tigers game the whole way home. Napped from the moment we got home until we left to meet Michelle and Norcross for dinner, then hit up a new putt putt/go kart/arcade/laser tag place. Greg and I beat them in putt putt so they bought us ice cream. Came back, watched the Wedding Singer, then got a couple hours of sleep. I am so tired today. It was a fun filled weekend. Much worth it. I will sleep well tonight! I might crash early. Play a bit of catch up. In the meantime, I am ready for my next big mug of coffee.