Jan 26, 2006 22:01
Well, it seems that i have become violently ill over the past 48 hours. I don't think its serious, but the term violent still applies due to frequent coughing seizures. I'm not sure i should go to health services though, as i think (hope) it'll fade soon.
"The good news was that I had not in fact solicited pornographic images from a strange girl, the bad news was that my wife thought I was trying to. It turns out that’s not the sort of thing they laugh at." - Gabe
My roommate has started keeping very strange hours. He sleeps from late afternoon till about 2 in the morning, then gets up and does work. Slightly annoying. Annyong.
"Well, Gordon, I see your HEV Suit still fits you like a glove. At least, the glove parts do." - Dr. Kleiner