kit, thank you for taking time to write down your adventures for us to read. i haven't been moved like this in a while. reading what you are going through and experiencing really makes a lot of things seem really insignificant. i googled kombeni bridge, that whole story was striking. your live journal is like a book that i can't put down. hannah just showed it to me today. i swear i can't help but be in awe of you and what you are doing, and a little envious if only for what you are soaking in. new york is such a bore after reading your journal. i love it how the one consistent thread throughout it is you peeing and pooping. and that you tried to tell those hecklers that you were taking a shit, i swear that is golden. i can't believe your nerves lasted all three paragraphs of that entry, mine would have been worn out by the first river crossing. i am trying really hard not to use the language of my grandmother right now but i can't help it!... you are so strong, so brave, so well spoken; an inspiration to us all, and always have been. sarah lawrence misses you dearly and, i speak for all when i say that i am struck by your character. a model for everyone! i miss and love you, come home safe.
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