With Congress in recess, the office environment has gotten a lot more calm...almost too calm for my nerves. Most of the important staffers that give out important assignments are in NV to campaign for Sen. Reid or for the Kerry/Edwards campaign, so we interns are left with stupid tasks, but we help each other out and have a chill time. Drinking is still up in the numbers with receptions going on all the time.
But on a more serious note, working for the government has made me aware of issues that I've never even given a second thought to before. Women's right, more importantly the rights of a woman to not be assaulted sexually or physically, is something that has taken on a human face for me, and as a result, I wish to do something in my life that can support these groups that protect women. Veteran's do a lot for this country as they risk their lives by being thrown into wars that they do not even have a voice in agreeing to fight.
What's sad is that conservatives abuse the importance of soldiers and veterans in their blind love of a Republican administration. They say crap like, if you don't support the war, you don't support our troops. Dumb asses. Supporting our troops means sending them into the war with body armor, supporting our troops means planning an exit strategy AHEAD OF TIME so that soldiers don't have their tours of duty extended constantly, supporting our troops means giving more benefits to the families of our soldiers--including health insurance coverage and stipends, supporting our troops means not cutting the funding to VA Hospitals in America....it means you support their role in our country, not necessarily the policy they are representing. Ill-informed conservatives need to come out to D.C. and go to a reception given by one of the many army organizations.
Last Thursday, I went to an NMFA (National Military Families Association) reception. They honored three Representatives and a Senator. The four were not all from the same party and when I read the list of past recipients of the honor and Ted Kennedy himself was on the list. For those of you not jiggy with politico lingo, he's the Senator conservatives love to bring up every time they want to refer to the "most liberal" Senator to hold office currently. That night, when they were honoring elected officials, those honored were not seen as great because of their political allegiance or how well they could spit out talking points based on their their party lines, but on what they actually did. One representative worked with local airlines to fly soldiers home for FREE in times of emergency. The Senator who was honored was (I can hear conservatives gasping now)a woman by the name of Mary Landrieu. She's a Democrat from Louisiana and to those who know her well, as well as to her constituents, she's known as 'Military Mary.' Veterans and the families of soldiers always call her office (I know this because one of my roommates interns in her office)even though (again, I can hear the turning of the sprockets in the minds of conservatives trying to comprehend this) she's a Democrat.
Your political leanings do not play a role in how you appreciate soldiers, and no, not supporting a policy does not mean you do not respect the agents that are pushing forth the policy. I may not like the President, but I can respect the office he holds.
In lighter news, had a long chat with Ms. Payne, which I was excited about since I hadn't talked to her in a while. Rebeca and I still seem to very chill, and I like the fact that our friendship is so strong, that even if I drive her crazy, she'll still pick up her phone when sees my number in her caller ID. Sadly, Bush seems to be ahead in the polls, but to every cloud there is a silver lining. Working in D.C., I've never seen liberal groups work so hard to organize. There are many organizations that get involved in what's known as "election-protection" to make sure that what happened to the Black community in Florida isn't repeated. If Bush is re-elected (please don't cry, Vixen) then I feel that the left will be more unified than it was before. I am still a believer in the idea of grassroot politics. I think that Democrats will always be better at getting down and dirty. I really think you guys should read up on some of the Senators at www.senate.gov. It's amazing the things some of these people have gone through to get where they are. If anything, you should read up about the senators that represent you (Rumor on the Hill is that Sen. Boxer(D-CA) and Sen. Feinstein (D-CA) don't like each other much...let me know if you guys hear different).
Last Friday, Jon Stewart was on Crossfire and he was hilarious. He really tore into the media and I promise the links below have nothing to do with partisan politics. Till next update, take care.. all of you..even the uppity females.
http://a.wholelottanothing.org/archives.blah/008108 http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0410/15/cf.01.html