Trinity Hall June Event was on Wednesday. Having been last year with guys from Tit Hall and really loved it, I thought taking
pavanne this year would be a good idea.
Was it hell.
There was a distinct lack of any decent music, meaning the only 'entertainment' was the food and drink. This wasn't on a par with last year (when the queues were about half as long) and led to an awful lot of Just Doing Nothing. Suffice to say, it sucked. A lot. Parts of me are glad I turned up completely wasted for it, as I can only imagine what I'd have done had I been forced to go through it sober. Obviously, making
pavanne cry wasn't a good thing, however, so being sober might have helped. Who knows?
We left at 1am with two hours still to go, thoroughly dissatisfied, and went home and passed out.
pavanne and friends hosted a Jungle-themed ball at her house. The morning was spent preparing and decorating, the afternoon pleasantly passed with a barbecue and a paddling pool. In the evening I helped run the casino, dealing Texas Hold'em. Again, crashed into bed at about 1am.
Friday, not so much a ball as a Lan Party but it still lacked a certain spark. We spent too long faffing and setting up the machines and the games to actually enjoy playing.
leafyd and Steve and I went out for drinks and dinner afterwards and were all morose at each other until we decided enough was enough and all went home.
Saturday, moved boxes and bags across town.
Sunday, see Saturday.
All done now, though, pretty much. Jason still has a few things in his garage that are mine, but the vast majority of stuff is in my flat. Once I've tidied it all up it'll be really lovely. Am just waiting for ecotricity to send me a contract and I can have hot water! Yay!