Lost, my recap on "i don't know the title of tonight's episode"

Mar 28, 2007 23:24

Ugh, should i really do one of these "OMG" recaps for tonight's lost?

yeah why not. You know you lie to read it my nameless and faceless readers.

So this episode was different. Almost to the equivalent of an x-file "Monster of the week" (i've been on a reminiscing spree, ever since DD made that interview where he said that both him and GA were on the ball for filming this fall.. HEY THAT Rhymed!)

Ok so this weeks story really didn't have to do ANYTHING with the island, or the others or anything really (not even an advancement in character development)

(hmm, in a random note, i just want to point out that Jeniffer Garner, as much as i enjoy her show and some of her movies... she really does look like a horse. And i'll say that every time i see her)

I do want to say that i totally called the Sun/Charlie/Sawyer thing. Everyone was thinking she was going to go crazy and kill everyone (that would have been great, but they'll save that for sweeps) But i, being the good obsessive fan girl, totally remembered what happened and called it.
Sadly she didn't kill anyone and the excite for their story line kinda sucked.

though, if some one has to die for us to see Sawyer with no shirt? then HELL Kill off everyone!!!!! ::drools::

and that my friends makes up for the stupid story line that was Paulo and Nikki.
Just when he was getting big with his english roles (DID YOU SEE HIM IN "300"!!!! Xerxes...hello SEX REX!) they kill him off.

And who cares about stupid diamonds???
I thought the flashbacks where totally cool. It was great to see Shannon and Boone, i forgot how much i hated him and how much i grew to really like her character BEFORE THEY KILLED HER!!!! ::grumbles::
And actually it was kinda cool getting that whole flashback recap of the show from a different angle, totally was informative.
The best part i think was Shannon's comment on Kate and her "2 boyfriends" ::laughs::

And let me say, that ending was CRAZY!!! TOTALLY CRAZY.
So much so that when it ended I was yelling "OMG!!! WTF?!?! CRAZY!!! god that sucks to be burried ALIVE!!?!!!! CRAZY!"
(hmm, i seem to be saying "Crazy" a lot, and i'm trying to figure out where i got that from, not really one of my "gabyisms" anyone care to help me figure this out?)

but yeah, use of the spiders and artz...a little hokey, but it was ok. We all saw it coming.
But i defiantly didn't see the "being buried alive" coming and THE OPENING OF THE EYES!!!!

So yeah, not the episode we were all hoping for in terms of overall story line. But an interesting "MoTW" episode
"This isn't Jurassic park, we're in the south pacific"

hmm, now i need to go learn and memorize all of Europe and Russia.
Thats a lot of learning.

(hmm..about that whole x-files thing...really i want that movie like NOW, these reports and interviews are totally bring out the phile and me and yeah. UGH. Its frustrating really.

and pathetic... very much so...)
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