You mean I can type more than 140 characters?

Sep 09, 2009 22:39

Recently, I have come to believe that no average citizen really needs a blog. In this age of Facebook status updates and Tweets, I thought that a normal person with out an agenda propagate or something to promote really needs more that 140 characters to keep their friends hip to what's going on.

I think I might be wrong.

Tonight I was reflecting on my status update/Twittering habits and I had "what alcoholics refer to as 'a moment of clarity'" that the information contained in there tends to be very shallow. Sure, I update those much more often than I update this thing, but if you were to reconstruct me from my status updates and my Tweets, I'd just be this guy who needs coffee, watches movies, eats and drinks. Very surface, very shallow.

I think that the things that are important and personal to me just take more that 140 characters to talk about. They are often nuanced and require background.

Like, today, Alex, our younger son, went the doctor. His breast bone is protruding and he's gonna have to go see a specialist in B'ham next month to see what needs to be done to correct it. Nothing life-threatening or anything, but pretty important to me as he's my son.

Talking about that in a Tweet just doesn't feel right. It's feels, I don't know, needy, like a cry for attention or pity.

So, I think, maybe somethings are Blogable and somethings are Tweetable. I may need both.

It maybe that the only people I want to share my personal stuff with are people who will take the time to read past 140 characters.

Maybe I'll start using this thing again.


minutia, writing

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