muses_w_remotes | 11.13 The Brothers Grimm quote

Mar 08, 2009 12:24

13. "And you, Will, have enough bullshit to fill the Palace of Versailles."
| The Brothers Grimm

Co-written with straight2point, undercoverdoc & withlightson

Marc's eyes were trained stiffly ahead as he rode up in the elevator to Harri's floor. His lips were in a thin line and he couldn't hide a sharply drawn breath was let out in an aggravated exhalation a few seconds later. What he needed was a smoke. Or a drink. Anything to numb the fact that he now had a new partner who was a total dick knob. His hands were shoved firmly in his pocket and he refused to glance left at the guy who was standing beside him rocking on up and down on the balls of his feet whistling 'Billy Jean' and looking casually around the elevator. It didn't help that Marc hated Michael Jackson music. Theodore Darcy - and Marc had no idea what sort of name that was - refused to stay in the car whilst Marc ran up to Harri's to pick up his filofax that he left there that morning when he got called out at 4am. He was so exhausted he forgot to collect it on his way out but it had important phone numbers in it that Marc needed ASAP. The little prick insisted on coming with. Not that he was little per se. The bastard was 6'3", which pissed Marc off even more. Why did his partner have to be Sasquatch?

"So, Jackson said you're dating a prostitute," Alex offered lightly with a shrug. He looked at Marc with a wicked smirk. "Not that there is anything wrong with that. Nice building. She must really know how to do her job."

Marc didn't outwardly react. If he did, he would've thumped the guy. He looked at him, his blue eyes once again concealed with the dark contacts. Alex wouldn't have the benefit of seeing Marc out of disguise for some time yet. He was going to Princeton undercover that very afternoon and if Marc's luck was on his side, he wouldn't have to deal with the guy face-to-face again for hopefully another decade. "She's the CEO of Razor. Better skilled than most whores... Something you won't ever experience first hand yourself." He kept his voice even, but it had a warning to it's edge. "Got it?"

Alex held his hands up. "Look, dude, we've got to work together. May as well like each other. What colour undies are you wearing?" he asked right before the elevator reached the right floor with a ding.

Marc raised an eyebrow. "Fuck off," was all he answered with as he strode out of the elevator. The wanker might be taller, but Marc definitely carried himself with more of a confident air needed in his position. Better still, they might be partners, but he was technically Alex's superior on the case. He paid no more mind to the guy as he hit Harri's buzzer with the edge of his hand and took his cigarettes out. He put one in his mouth and lit it up, blowing the smoke out slowly while he waited.

"Aren't you even going to offer me one?" Alex snorted and went to reach for the pack.

"Nope," Marc returned and the smokes disappeared unceremoniously back into the breast pocket of his long black leather coat with a smirk before Alex's hand connected with it.

Harri smiled apologetically at Kara before she unfolded herself from the sofa and set her mug down. "If that's not a very naked man at the door, I shall be pretty fucking disappointed," she said with a laugh.

Kara Harvey, Harri's head graphic designer for Razor, grinned as she pushed her fingers through her blonde hair. She wasn't sure if it was a mutual liking for cock, or their blonde hair and fabulous taste in clothes, that had let her hit it off with her boss, but she was grateful for whatever it was. Harri was a riot, even when she was a bit under the weather. Odd, since she'd thought Harri had just gotten over a cold.

"Maybe it's that lover boy of yours," Kara suggested. "I certainly wouldn't mind getting a look after what you've told me about him."

Harri gave Kara a slight warning glare, before she smiled. "Just so long as there's no touching. I might have to cut your hand off, otherwise."

Kara blinked and gave a quick shake of her head. "No way would I touch. I saw what you did to that intern last year for touching one of your occasional fucks."

Harri was laughing at the memory as she pulled open the door to find Marc and his... friend. She cocked her head at the sight of the unknown man and arched an eyebrow questioningly. "Hello, love," she greeted Marc and stepped in to kiss him. "Is this some proxy you're dropping off because you're about to tell me you won't make it tonight due to a meeting?"

Marc's forehead creased in a frown. "Does he look like he would pass as my proxy, let alone have the skills for it?" he said. "And I might not make it," he had to admit, the English accent back. "Things have... developed. I need to go to Princeton tonight. You could always come with if you want to catch up with Aiden."

Alex listened closely, reflexively remaining at Marc's side, albeit with a smirk on his lips. He stuck his hand out and the smirk transformed into a winning smile. "Hey, I'm Te-" he cut off when he realised there was someone else in the distance beyond the leggy blond. Marc had mentioned the girlfriend knew about him but didn't mention anyone else. "Alex. Alex Carter," he introduced himself.

"He's my new... associate," Marc explained, his dark eyes warily turning to the woman in Harri's apartment as he took another brief drag on his cigarette. When he looked back at Harri, his eyebrow was raised slightly in question. "He's a medical advisor on Promantech's new line of hypertensive alternative therapies." The bullshit came so easily these days. "Based at Princeton Plainsboro," he added pointedly. He knew Harri would probably ask questions when they were alone and when they were alone, Marc could answer them.

"Ah," Harri said, taking the bullshit with a smile. She offered her hand to Marc's associate before she nodded over her shoudler. "Kara Harvey, my graphic designer. I'm sure she won't mind taking your associate for a test drive. She's always looking for men."

"Hey! I can hear you, you know," Kara pointed out as she stood up, and smoothed down her skirt. "Hello, Marc," she said with a wave at Harri's boyfriend. "And hello, Marc's unnamed associate. I'm not that desperate... really."

Marc stepped aside and scratched the back of his head whilst stifling an impatient sigh. 4am starts weren't conduvice to bouncy and happy. Especially not after he was awake most of the night getting his brains fucked out. "Hey," he greeted Kara with a small wave. She was new. Harri hadn't mentioned a Kara before. It was times like this that Marc realised how much they really didn't know about each other. "Sorry to interrupt, we won't stay long. Not long enough for you two to fuck, anyway. I just need my filofax, babe. You know how anal I get not having it with me." More like neurotic and near panic attack because it held a lot of what looked to be useless info but was actually a lot of vital facts to his current investigation.

Alex rested his arm against the door jamb, smiling casually at both Harri and Kara. "Aren't you going to introduce us, Marcus, darling? Your anus can wait."

Marc closed his eyes briefly and cleared his throat. It was official. The guy was going to end up with a black eye before the day was out. "Harri, Kara, this is Dr Alex Carter. Alex, this is Harri... my girlfriend, and Kara... someone I'm only meeting just now."

Harri's smile was slow, almost predatory as he referred to her as his girlfriend. She even felt like the cat that had just swallowed the canary. Even if he was saying it more for his cover, than anything else. "It's in the bedroom next to the furry handcuffs and blindfold," she said referring to Marc's filofax before she took his hand and pulled him inside. "And really, this is awkward enough withouy you two standing the doorway."

Kara had come up behind Harri and couldn't help but look over Alex appreciatively. He was nearly a foot taller than her, but she liked it. "Oh, I don't know. He looks pretty good just standing there. Take your shirt off, and pose again..."

"Kara," Harri warned quietly as she smirked.

"What?!" Then she blinked out of her reverie and looked at Harri then Marc, and finally Alex with a shrug.

Alex wasn't phased. "What's in it for me?" he asked smoothly, slipping his hands into the pockets of his jacket.

"Keep your dick in your pocket, Carter, or you'll find yourself with a gaping hole there next time you go to wank," Marc warned. So, his hackles were up. He wasn't sure he trusted the guy but at the same time, he knew he had to trust him and he had become Marc's partner for a reason - he was more than capable. Such a shame he was a gigantic pain in the arse. "Why are you still home, babe? I was expecting your housekeeper to answer."

Harri missed Kara's wink to Alex as she made a face, and patted her stomach. "That silly flu felt like coming back for round two, so I decided to work from home. Kara was bringing over the latest pages." She flicked her gaze between the two men, oddly amused by the fact that Marc seemed so irritated by Alex. "Should we go get your filofax? That way Alex can get his dick out without you harming him. For a minute, at least. Not as if you men need all that long, is it?"

"Flus shouldn't do that," Marc murmured in thought as he caught her arm gently at the elbow with his hand. He was looking over here for any signs something more serious might be going on. "When did it start again?" he asked. He nodded distractedly, Alex and his dick now the last thing on his mind. The guy's dick was probably 17 inches if his height was anything to go by. Kara would have her work cut out for her.

"I don't offer free shows," Alex threw in, his green eyes taking in the whole surroundings of the apartment closely. His feet made soft footfalls on the clean floors. CEO of Razor and it showed in her apartment. He couldn't help but wonder if there was more to Marcus and Harri than met the eyes, though.

Harri might have read all the books there was to read about colds and flus while she'd been sick, but that meant nothing. Her brain hadn't retained any of the information in its mucus drowned state. "A couple of days ago? I'm not really sure..." She didn't struggle out of his hold, but did try and lead him off so she didn't get examined in front of company.

Meanwhile Kara's blue eyes were firmly fixed on Alex as she smiled. "So every girl has to pay to see you naked?"

"I like to think of it as bartering," Alex told her with a smirk as he turned and met her eyes again.

Marc went in the direction of the bedroom and his filofax. The minute they were out of hearing distance of the others, he spoke in still a hushed voice. "Why didn't you call me?" he asked her.

Harri shrugged. "Because I do enjoy living in denial occasionally, no matter what my jaded personality tells you otherwise," she mumured quietly as she pressed her hand against her stomach, not sure if she was about to be sick or not. "Tea and chocolate mousse is about the only things I can keep down. Besides, you're busy. I've already made you miss enough work."

"You didn't make me miss anything. I told you that. If I had to go, I would go. Just like I have to go and sit in a car all the way to Princeton with Dr Dick out there this afternoon." Marc's nose scrunched up. "Chocolate Mousse when you're nauseous? Urgh..." He stuck his tongue out a little in disgust. "I want you to go to a doctor."

Harri laughed softly as she cupped Marc's face and gave him a kiss. "I promise if I feel better, and you make it back from Princeton alive, I'll make sure you forget all about the car trip with Dr Dick." Then she crunched her nose up. "Do I really have to go see a bloody doctor over nausea? It's probably nothing, love."

Marc let out a slow breath. "The bastard's my new partner. I have to trust him with my life. He has to trust me with his. I think he would rather be kissing his own cock in worship than jumping in front of a bullet for me." He took her hands into his. "Please? When I was a kid, nausea started all my diabetic problems. Mum took me to the doctors because she thought I was lactose intolerant," he said wryly.

"I'm not lactose intolerant," Harri replied petulantly. She really could be a brat when she was sick. She slipped her arms around his waist and brushed her nose against his cheek. "He's certainly tall enough to at least get in a good attempt at kissing his own cock. I'm sure you'll work it out with him. He seems... well, Kara likes him."

"Neither was I," Marc pointed out. "Who is Kara?" he added as an afterthought. "Should I care that she likes him? He's a dick knob."

"She's my lead designer, and yes, you should care. She's one of the best people I have working for me, if not the best. And probably one of the few women friends I have." She pressed her lips together to try and get the wave of nausea to pass before she tried to speak again. "He's a sexy dick knob, but not as sexy as you."

Marc looked in the direction of the living room skeptically. "For a graphic designer, she has crap taste in men. The bloke's... he's..." He waved his hand. "I'm just glad he's going to be based in Princeton. Might mean my mileage needs to be increased, but at least I don't have to put up with him every day. Hopefully they're more tolerant in Princeton. I never realised that to be a Pediatrician, you had to act like a ten year old yourself. She can do better. If only I could tell her his real name."

Harri had to resist the urge to tell him that Aiden had thought she could do better than Marc. Instead she nodded in understand, currently embracing her role as his girlfriend. "She's probably thinking more about what's in his pants, than his personality right now. However, it's very good that you and he won't be in the same city. I can't really see you coping too well with that. So he's really a doctor?"

"Twin matching cocks in pink spandex g-strings, is my guess," Marc snorted. He leant against the dresser, though his hand brushed up and down her arm. "I have a feeling I'll be crossing your BFF's path in a more professional capacity sooner rather than later," he predicted as he considered Alex's new role. "He is a doctor. A Pediatrician. He's going to be working at the same hospital your other's half's boyfriend works at. He's been put there for a reason."

"A reason that I don't want to know," Harri said as she tilted her head and watched him. "And... I'm not sure exactly if Pat's working there right now, or not. He's still getting over that MS attack and trying to get his legs to work. Speaking of you crossing paths with Aiden... there's something I need to tell you."

Marc nodded slowly. "Pat... he's friends with a Scot, right?" he asked carefully. He needed to know well in advance how close to home this all could get before it was too late. He looked at her, his forehead creasing in slight worry. "Oh? Is everything alright?"

Harri gave a nod. "Yes, I think so. The Scot had a baby recently. Pat's one of the godfathers. It all added to Aiden being keen to settle down." Harri held onto Marc a little tighter, almost as if she was worried he was about to run away. "Mm... yes. This is more about me finally telling you something you said you'd hope I'd one day trust you enough to do so."

Marc extracted himself from her hold just long enough to move over to the door and close it. He was pretty sure Alex could take care of himself out there for a few minutes. "You're going to have to elaborate a little, babe," he requested, moving back to her side. They'd spoken a lot recently, so it was hard to be sure what she was meaning.

"He knows. Aiden knows... about you," Harri said quietly. She touched a hand to her hair, and tucked a few long strands behind her ear. "I told him... I tried so hard not to, but he just wouldn't let the fuck up about why I'd wound up at his place crying after our fight. Our breakup, I guess. I don't know what to call it. I'm sorry I'm not better at withstanding interrogation."

Marc closed his eyes with a small sigh and nodded. "I figured," he murmured and put his hand to his head, rubbing his fingers across his forehead. "Fuck..." He started to pace a little as his mind kicked into gear with all the new connections. "I need to know you're not going to tell him that I know Alex in any way, shape or form. No one in Princeton is going to know Alex is SS, especially no one linked to that hospital. It's vital they don't know. It's vital Pat doesn't know," he added with emphasis.

"Pat doesn't even know about you." At least Harri was pretty sure he didn't. She'd taken Aiden's angry words about Marc and what he'd done to Ali and subsequently Luke's cousin, she could probably withstand anything now. "I'll keep your secret, love. I promise."

"I know it sounds sinister, but the last thing we want to do is cause Pat's friend and everyone surrounding him anymore heartache. Obliviousness to Alex's true presence in Princeton is the best way for us to assure that. For all intents and purposes, Alex is just that. The new kid doctor on the block. He's going to know a lot of people connected to Aiden. That sounds worrying, I know. But it's no one in that circle we're investigating. One was merely a victim." Marc looked at her regretfully. "Are you sure you want to be tied up with shit like this?"

She listened carefully, and gave a nod at his question. Her stomach had twisted a little, but she wasn't sure if it was guilt, concern, or just the nausea. "I'm sure, love. I don't want to be anywhere else." She leaned in to kiss him softly and smiled. "You wouldn't be able to do this without me, anyway. I'm your security blanket," she said. "Only the kind you can have hot sex with whenever you want."

Marc smirked softly at her. "One day, you'll be my security blanket. Right now, I'm just a pain in your arse. I know it's not easy, alright? I do. I just haven't quite figured out how to balance all this yet. There is a lot going on and I'm being pulled in a lot of directions at once. It's a wonder I don't have premature dementia," he joked.

"I'm your security blanket even if you are a pain in my arse. I'm a designer, sexy, security blanket." She caressed his cheek with the backs of her fingers and laughed. "Well, it won't help if I stitch your name into all your clothes. I'll have to come up with something else if you fo get premature dementia."

Marc laughed. "Ah, but which name would you stitch? Either way, I'd probably confuse the fuck out of myself. I already do and I'm completely sane. I've lost count of the mornings I wake up thinking I'm in my old bed, in my old apartment. Wake up in the middle of the night for the bathroom and take the wrong turn at the door. Alex is one of the lucky ones. He doesn't have to walk away from his old life, he just goes undercover. I couldn't pull off what I'm doing connected to my old life because... because my old life has connections to what I'm investigating. The reason I chose to do all this in the first place."

"At the risk of giving myself another ego stroke, sooner or later, you'll realise you're fucking lucky to have me, love," Harri murmured as she smiled at him. "I've never once doubted how much you've had to give up. Don't worry about what Alex has, or hasn't got. Although if we stay in here any longer, I have this feeling we'll walk out there and find the reenactment of a scene in a bad porn movie."

Marc shook his head. "No, you won't," he said knowingly, laughing. "I'll bet my entire salary on the fact Alex won't touch her right now. He's about to log onto a new undercover case tonight. He'll flirt, but he won't let anything physical happen. He won't let her realise that, though. It's all about tactics. He just needs to be careful right now. Especially considering he doesn't know me and doesn't know you. He's probably casing the joint as we speak and noting every possible object that could be a weapon in reaching distance."

Harri crinkled her nose. "I hope you weren't thinking about weapons the first time we fucked, because that's just weird."

Marc smirked. "I knew the building. I'd studied it before coming to the party. Plus, no readily available weapons in an elevator. If you remember, though, I did make sure you dropped your bag out of reach without you realising," he said with a laugh.

Harri pushed him lightly as she moved away with a roll of her eyes. "You're terrible, you know that?" She picked up his filofax and offered it to him. "You'll come straight here when you're back from Princeton? I promise to see a doctor."

"I'm back tonight," Marc promised. "I'm meeting with a doctor at the hospital under the guise of being a patient. Hopefully the bastard is running on time. I hate doctors. I hate doctors a lot," he added with a snort. "But you still have to see one. Do you even have a doctor on account of the fact you clearly never get sick?" he asked teasingly.

"I might, but otherwise I am capable of finding one," she assured him with a smirk. "So between you riding in a car with Alex, and you having to see a doctor--two things you really, really hate--I'll expect you to come home with a good mood, then."

Marc shook his head. "I'll try and leave the bad mood on the freeway. I need to drop in and see Ali on the way home. If the boyfriend let's me in the front door, that is. He hates my guts. Rightfully so, too. I'm pretty sure if he wasn't such a nice guy, I would have no bollocks by now. She's got her first therapy session today. I just want to make sure she's doing okay. I still feel like she's a million miles away from me. She doesn't trust me anymore."

Harri moved back in to hug Marc and pressed a kiss to his temple. "Trust takes time. You more than anyone should know that. You did kill yourself off, love. That kind of goes a little way to breaking any trust you had with her."

"I know. I just didn't expect to see her again to need to experience the direct consequences. Which I know sounds as selfish as all fuck and it was, but Ali would've been one of the first people to tell me to join the SS if I told her about it before it all happened. I wasn't ever what you would call your conventional FBI agent. I had a bit of a reputation, which is what got me recruited in the first place." Marc paused abruptly and his stomach flipped over as he realised something. He was technically still married. Should he tell Harri this? Of course, killing James off would've ceased that, but was that information he should share?

Harri frowned as she watched him before she raised her eyebrow a little in question. "Don't tell me you're feeling sick, too? I don't think I could take another fucking drought if we both get sick. Again."

"No, I..." Marc looked at her helplessly, his hand waving around for reasons he couldn't exactly explain because it wasn't helping him decide what he should do any easier. So, he grabbed at his MedicAlert bracelet and started playing with it restlessly, turning the thick chain around his wrist. "There's just something I'm wondering if I should tell you or if you would likely prefer just not knowing in the long run. I mean, it's not... it was... are you sure this is not too much shit for you to deal with?"

Harri had pulled back to give Marc plenty of room to fidget, her blue eyes still watching him keenly. "I'm sure," she told him. "But if you don't want to tell me something, you don't have to. I'm past that bitch phase I went through where I was pissed off at you for keeping your secrets. That was before I knew why you kept them."

"It's more a fact I don't want to hurt you or to think it still matters. It doesn't. It's my past..." Marc wet his lips slowly and halted his fidgeting by taking her hand and wrapping both of his around hers. "Is there anything you would definitely want or need me to tell you from my past, even if it's bad or weird or questionable? Anything you felt you should know to make this easier for you?" he asked.

Harri tilted her head in thought as she considered his question. It was something she might have been asking herself for a while now, but she still had no real answer. No one question that would give her peace. Maybe because she really was content to take things as they came, and to take the snippets that he gave her when he was ready. "No," she finally answered. "As awful as it sounds, I'm not really here to fall in love with that you, am I? I'm here for the current you, and for the cover you."

Marc pressed his lips together and then laughed softly. "That's just the thing, babe. I'm the other me with you. Not this new, fake cover."

Harri managed a laugh herself. "Well, then... I still say no. I'm sure I'll regret it, and days from now I'll wake up in the middle of the night with a question burning in my brain, but right now... no. Is there anything you need to ask me?"

Marc shook his head. "Nope. Because I know you've been honest with me," he told her and then a smirk appeared. "I hooked you up to a secret lie detector without you knowing." He laughed holding up his hand. "Just kidding. I know just, somewhere in my gut, that you've been honest. Which is more than I can say for myself."

Harri wrestled her hand out of his hold so she could wrap her arms around him and smirked back. "You've put up with my inabilty to tell you I'm sick, or to be a 'normal' girlfriend, so I think I can deal with you not being honest if only because I know it's for a disgustingly honourable cause. If you were lying to me because of some other reason, I'd have your balls for breakfast and feed the rest of you to dogs."

Marc laughed. "I'm used to abnormal girlfriends. I know how to deal with you lot. The only normal partner I had was male," he added in amusement. "I was the abnormal one there. First time we met, I puked all over his designer shoes." He stopped and bit on his lip for a moment. "Alright, but if you ever think you suddenly want to ask me something, just do it, okay? I'll admit there are a lot of things still hanging over me that I haven't spoken about, but I think the parts that still mean something to me you are aware of. Everything else, well... it keeps me up some nights with guilt but they tell me I'll get over it eventually. If the case ever ended... let's just say I'd have a lot of choices to make."

Harri kissed him softly and grinned against his mouth. "Says as lot when you're the abnormal one in a gay relationship. Did that make you the girl, love?" She looked at him, her eyes sparkling as she teased him. "I will add asking you questions to the list of promises that includes going to see a doctor. Just so long as you do the same, if there is ever something I haven't told you, that you want to know. And if the case ends, and you need to make choices... I will help you as best I can. Do you think we should return to our friends before I decide the nausea can wait, and fuck you senseless right here?"

"Hey, I had my girly moments. You'll see them one day, too. I'm a terrible, atrocious sick person. Land me in hospital and I turn into a monster. I'm better comatose," Marc laughed. He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Actually, there is something I want to ask but it isn't major and it's for another day. Just call it a mere curiousity." He nodded, smirking. "Yes, or your sofa might be debauched and semen is a bitch to get out of fabric like that. Hear that? That was a gay moment."

Harri wondered what Marc could possibly want to ask her, but she let it slide for now. There would be time enough to find out. "You're still hot when you're gay, so that's alright," she laughed.

"Just think, if you ever decide you want a threesome, you'd have your pick of a male or female third part," Marc laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders to lead her from the room. "I'll call you from Princeton, see how you are, so keep your phone with you."

"As if you'd ever see me serperated from my phone, love," Harri reminded him. Although her mind was now wondering slightly as she considered the whole threesome thing. He was right, she really would have her pick... She blinked as she realised they were back in the main room and hoped she wasn't looking too flushed, but Marc would probably catch her dilated pupils. "I'll drag Kara with me. At least then I wouldn't have to go to the doctor alone."

"If I'm back, I'll come with you," Marc promised and gave her a soft kiss.

Harri smiled as she returned the kiss. "Drive safely and don't hurt your passenger just yet. He might grow on you."

"God help me," Marc snorted, shaking his head.

- Alex Carter/Theodore Darcy [undercoverdoc] is Marc's new partner from this scene onwards

Word Count | 5,312

[plot] new beginnings, [co-written] straight2point, [plot] the downside of sex, [co-written] withlightson, [plot] princeton connections, [comm] muses_w_remotes, [ship] james/harri, [co-written] undercoverdoc

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