I'm looking for relatively new Backstreet Boys clips, and a lot of them take place in Japan as that is their most lucrative market right now - the Japanese never get tired of pop and they're practically the only people who ever buy CDs anymore. Being a huge international band, BSB is a regular fixture on "Music Station" when they roll into Tokyo. You know who else is a regular fixture on "Music Station"? Arashi. And Arashi always has a single out, so obviously they'll
be on MSte at the same time as BSB. WHICH TRIPS ME OUT SO MUCH LOL. It's like, on one side, we have my all-American adolescent addiction, the Backstreet Boys; and on the other, we have my extant Eastern... enchantment (?), Arashi. It trips me out so much to see Nick on one side and Matsujun on the other, like it's my past... and my future! hahaha. It's definitely interesting to see how my interests have changed/modified/shifted over the years.
It's also very interesting to see how one influences the other; I wonder if BSB ever took notice of Arashi while they were in Japan (and how could they not? Arashi is EVERYWHERE) because Arashi sure as hell took notice of BSB. They debuted in 1999, when BSB pretty much ran the world XDDDDD - I'm sure Johnny took notes assiduously whenever BSB appeared on TV. And even now, Arashi follows BSB; they all went to the concert together lol. So I wonder what the boys would think if they stumbled upon an episode of Shukudai or HnA or VS Arashi or one of the million shows Arashi guests on: do they see traces of themselves? lol. Of course, the boys of Arashi have worked tirelessly to create their own brand, but it would be foolish to deny any influence of Backstreet when the former debuted during the heyday of the latter. Also, I wonder if Arashi ever picks up on their technique; I mean, hell, I love Jun and all, but as nasal as Nick is he sounds like fucking Josh Groban next to Jun. XDDDDDDD (And Josh Groban is a whole nother ballpark; ohhhh God. Do I have stories from Grobania... That fandom was fun. haha.)
But mostly, I'm just very very amused at Nick - who is thirty years old - making funny faces at the camera behind (twenty-six-year-old) Matsujun, who's always super serious when it comes to work. Nick, I love you, don't ever change. (And don't you change either, Jun, you know I love you too.) XD