I am Doolittle but I do a lot, I try to do the best with what I've got

Nov 08, 2010 10:57

In the middle of watching episode one of "Juui Dolittle" (Veterinarian Dolittle) starring Shun Oguri and Mao Inoue. It's got Shun working his cold-but-passionate-and-brilliant angle (I'm thinking of HYD, Tokyo Dogs, Hana-Kimi and even Densha Otoko) and Mao as the sweet, slightly naive girl who gets roped into working as his nurse to pay off her beloved horse's treatments. It's also got Hiroki Narimiya as a fellow vet with an opposite personality (TV-ready and a huge softie). And apparently there's going to be a love triangle?

I was excited for this allstar cast - and obviously Shun's worked with both Nari and Mao, so the chemistry is going to be awesome, but I'm a little disappointed cos it turns "Dolittle" is just a nickname and Shun isn't going to talk to animals. He's goofy enough to pull it off, but this looks more like a straight drama. Which is kind of a shame, cos I love Shun in goofy roles if not downright psychotic ones - he was brilliant in Smile and I am SO excited for him to star as Alex in A Clockwork Orange

As a sidenote, I love love LOVE Eliza Doolittle. She's an an English singer from Camden, a part of London probably best known in present times as the hometown of Miss Amy Winehouse (I'm thinking of her jubilant shoutout in her awards speech during the London fires - to wit, "CAMDEN TOWN AIN'T BURNIN' DOWN!!"), whose sunny hooks and cute looks are just the thing to cheer one up. Also, it turns out that her mother is Frances Ruffelle, best known as the original Eponine from the musical Les Miserables LEA SALONGA FOR THE MOTHER FUCKING WIN, IDGAF WHAT YOU BROADWAY SNOB BITCHES SAY. Thankfully, Miss Doolittle (real name Eliza Caird; her father is John Caird, one of the producers of Les Mis) didn't inherit her mother's shrill, yowly delivery. LOL. I respect Frances Ruffelle and all, but her Eponine is somewhat painful to hear... until maybe A Little Fall of Rain, but Eponine's three minutes from dying in that one so not a lot of time to sympathise toward her. The one good thing from Frances' delivery is that her Eponine's accent is not a put-on; if she sounds slightly Cockney- fitting her working-class guttersnipe role - it's because she actually is from East London. That is legit, yo. lol. I still prefer Lea's delivery: angry and flinty - fitting her working-class guttersnipe role - but ten times more pleasant to hear. Maybe it's because I was that Eponine as a teen: madly in love with a college kid who had eyes for someone else, with a sweet voice but a bitter heart. But I digress.

Now, back to studying T________T

omfg joanne stop wasting time, joanne watches too much japanese tv

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