Well today is Monday and that's pretty bad enough... it rained alot and
it was mad annoying. I worked only from 7:30-6:30, which is only 11
hours, which ain't bad... except I had to wait for my mom around until
8:30. Ugh... two hours wasted of my day, my day is majorly screwed. I
did get to talk to Rosemary
and enjoy Arby's later... it was good. I came home around 9:30 and
prayed the Rosary for my girlfriend... then now I am going to bed.
Hopefully I can get to work at 6:30. That's gotta be great stuff.
oh yeah, for those Digital Photo Fanatics... here is a website that
might cater more to your professionalism rather than Photobucket and
have greater capacity than Webshots. It's