Feb 06, 2005 18:00
Today I went on a hunt for some Prismacolor markers for my Graphic Design class. I ended up going to 3 different stores, but no luck. I had even tried the college book store, but they told me that they don't carry them anymore because there to expensive. If they're to expensive for the college store to carry, I can just imagine the price they are in an art store. Since I couldn't find the markers, I bought 2 pair of shoes, and some jeans.
Everyone's got their head stuck up in the super bowl game. I wouldn't dare ask what's going on, because I might get my head chewed off. You never come between a person and the TV. I guess people think that if they turn up the TV really loud, and move closer to the television, they might just jump in it.
What's a girl to do? Homework