X. Starting time: 5:57 PM
X. Name: Courtney
X. School: G'boro Gay School
X. Eyes: Grey-blue
X. Height: 5'1 ...okay, 5'3/4...I'm vertically challenged, alright?!
----------HAVE YOU EVER------------
X. Ever helped somebody cheat?: Yes.
X. Missed school b/c it was raining: No, even though half of our school did once a few years back. I was one of the idiots who went anyway.
X. Set any body part on fire for amusement: Um...my bangs.
X. Wanted to hook up with a friend: Many a time.
X. Had a crush on a teacher: Ahaha last crush I had on a teacher was when I was 6.
X. Ever thought an animated character was hot: ...Yes.
X. Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape: WTF, No.
X. Prank called someone: Ahaha good times.
X. Shampoo: Got2B (the orange bottle)
X. Colors: Blue, Green, Grey, and Black
X. Day/Night: Night
X. Summer/Winter: Winter
------------PERSONAL STUFF----------
X. Do you like anyone: Hmm...DUH
X. Who have you known the longest of your friends: Jonathan
X. Who's the loudest: Kamron
X. Who's the shyest: Tina
X. Who do you cry with: Jen
----------IN THE LAST 2 WEEKS------------
X. Cried: Yeah.
X. Cut your hair: No, that was 3 weeks ago.
X. Worn a skirt: Yeah.
X. Been sarcastic: No, of course not!
X. Missed someone: Yeah.
X. Hugged someone: Yeah, hugs are nice. I got 6 yesterday.
X. Fought with your parents: Yeah.
X. Wished upon a star: Yeah.
X. Laughed until you cried: Yeah.
X. Played Truth or Dare: Nope.
X. Watched the sunset/rise: Yeah.
X. Read a book for fun: Yeah.
X. Ate a meal: No, I suck the toxins out of the air for my food...are you serious?!
X. Are you happy: Eh, I could be better.
X. Are you talking to someone online: DJMangoCyrus36: LOGAN THE BUDDHA BELLIED MIDGETS ARE COMING TO EAT YOU!!!!
------DO YOU BELIEVE IN....-----
X. God/Devil: Of course.
X. Love: Eh....I guess so.
X. The Closet Monster: THERE'S AN EVIL MONKEY IN MY CLOSET!!! ...Family Guy. Not me.
X. The Big Bang Theory?: I believe in orgies AND the 'Big Bang'
X. Heaven/Hell: I've been condemned to Hell so many times I've stopped believing.
X. Superstitions: Somtimes.
X. What is your full name? Courtney E. Beaman
X. Backstreet Boys or N Sync? NEITHER.
X. When was the last time you showered? This morning.
X. What was the last thing that you said online? THEIR LITTLE FAT TUMMIES WILL SUCK OUT YOUR BRAINS AND SPLEEN AND COLON!!!!!!!!!!!
X. What is right next to you?: EVERYTHING. Cell phone, battery, old soda cans, wilted flowers...
X. What is your computer desk made of? Wood and paint and glue.
X. What was the last thing that you ate? Chewy SweetTarts and a Diet Mountain Dew. *burp*
X. What is your favorite state?: Florida or Hawaii or New York or...CANADA! *knows it's not a state*
X. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: Scotland or London.
X. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?: No one, really.
X. How many buddies do you have on your list: 47
X. How's the weather right now?: Honey, it's cold outside.
X. What did you do last night?: Watched Futurama and then slept.
X. What's the best thing you like about the opposite sex?: PERSONALITY!
X. Favorite hair color in the opposite sex: Black or brown
X. Pizza or ice cream? Ice cream.
X. How do YOU eat an Oreo? *chompchomp*
X. What do you want to be when you grow up?: Myself.
X. What are your future goals?: Becoming what I was born to be....sorry, had to do it!
X. Favorite music?: Indie shtuffles and techno.
X. Favorite time of the year: The time at the end of fall and beginning of winter.
X. If you could change your name, what would it be?: Rue.
X. Have you ever been in love? Um. With my fishies.
X. What will your first son's name be?: Dominic.
X. Favorite alcolic drink?: I don't really know.
X. Do you like scary or happy movies better?: Funny ones.
X. Lust or Love?: Both.
X. Do you consider cheerleading a sport?: No, I consider it target-practice! *loads shotgun*
X. Do you want your friends to do this survey? If they feel up to it.
X. When's your birthday? May 23rd.
X. End time: 6:16 PM