well I was feeling better but now i'm feeling alot worse again idefk this sucks so much and it's hard to breathe and I really wish i could stop coughing
one_truespark gave me an icon meme, so here ya go
This is from Hark! A Vagrant from the brilliant comic by Kate Beaton and you should go read it. I use because mostly it's hilarious and also I know exactly how Brahe feels with having a gravitational pull towards your mom and all.
look at this moe ass shit motherfucker gonna pat you to death gonna comfort you right before I shank you right in the gut look at this adorable motherfuckin icon. I like this icon.
I admit i use this mostly because it makes Scarfle cry. Also fat jokes are always hilarious always.
This is me stalking you stalking me stalking you stalking me stalking you et cetera et cetera. Also look at that face. That's the face that watches England and Aquaman have a naked tapioca pudding fight to the death.
This and
this. No more. Somedays, I love the anon comm.
That scene in Alien squicked me so bad.
1. Leave me a comment if you want to do the meme.
2. I will reply with 6 of your icons and then you have to post this up and describe them!